Be Not Troubled

John 14:27, Peace i leave with you, my peace i give to you; not as the world gives do i give to you. Let not your heart be troubled. neither let it be afraid.

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With God all things are possible and for those who believe in him he gives to them in abundance the Grace and favor that stems from the Lord, the like of which may not be found anywhere by anyone or anything.

With Christ in the vessel you should smile at the storm knowing that with the utter of a word all will remain call and the turbulence will pass in the blink of an eye. So why be troubled when you can leave everything to God. Why let your heart get worried when the peace of the Lord is with thee.

And so when doubt arises, when worry crawls in and you become troubled remember that he has said in his word that t the peace he gives us is not of this world and so you should let not your heart be troubled and your fears will subside. Stay safe and stay blessed.


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