At his Word

Luke 5:5, but Simon answered and said to him, "Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at your word i will let down the net.

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When we listened lots of things happen in our lives, great things, Blessings that we otherwise may not have expected and even if we did it comes exceedingly abundantly such that we are overwhelmed and blessed so much. God did not create us to suffer, lot of times it out of our own disobedience, wrong acts and things that the Lord frown upon.

When we do things in accordance with his will and his word, toiling and stressing goes away, the exertion of lots of energy to get the work done goes away and doors open to us, that's where Grace and Mercies come in. After nights of fishing and literally catching nothing at his word they were overwhelmed with fishes, that how great the one we serve is.

What you need to ask yourself then is, are you doing things at his word or your own? Are you been obedience or your are seeking out sacrifice? Remember At his word great things happen, obedience is better than sacrifice. Thanks for reading and have a great day.


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