From a Casual Lunch to Deep Conversations: A Sunday Well Spent

I am the type that hardly eats out, especially here in Lagos State, where the cost of living is very high. Aside from street food, which is much more affordable, although I am not a fan of it always, the cost of a decent meal in most nice eateries here is really exorbitant. The cost is capable of preparing a pot of soup or stew for me and my family, and the major reason why I don't even nurse the idea of eating out occasionally like the way I used to do before with my family before now.


The current situation of the economy in my country today warrants that everyone cuts down on some unnecessary luxury life; otherwise, life might become too hard in the near future. I am not saying that it's wrong to eat out; no, I actually love doing that with my family whenever we are set for family day out, which happens occasionally. It's usually a fun moment with many fun activities and eating out, bonding along the way. However, when things keep changing in my country, we have to cut down on some pleasures and focus on our needs.

So my friend called me and asked about my plans for this Sunday. As usual, I told her that I would be occupied and all that. She said, Nkem, is there a single day of your life that you are not busy? Don't you even bring it out one day and tag it rest day? And maybe self-treat yourself? Hehehe, I didn't stop laughing, but she was right. Although I don't neglect self-care, I do that when I feel like, I don't know why she is worried about that. Lolz. Anyways, she invited me to Kilimanjaro, one of the nicest restaurants around Lagos Island. The branch wasn't far from my home, and I quickly dressed up to meet with her.


My friend is this type of typical African woman who doesn't joke with swallow-type food. She won't even use cutlery as many do while eating swallows outside their home but her washed hands, lolz. While I gently ordered for rice, salad, and chicken as seen above, she ordered for this swallow below with vegetable soup, really yummy and tasty expensive, hehehe 😃. In fact, we paid #13,000; that's about $9 for the two meals. Yea, despite the present economy, this cash can make a decent soup that can last for 3 days for my family and me.


It turned out that the call I received from my friend today wasn't just to eat out and go back home but for a sensitive issue that needs to be discussed. She should have just told me directly instead of beating about the bush to get my attention, but it's all good. I was able to extensively discuss an issue that has been troubling her, and somehow she got relieved of the burden. I am glad she got the courage to speak out in the first place, and with the way we brainstormed about her worries, I am positive that she will be fine.

It was almost late before I left the restaurant today with my friend. We didn't even remember to take a shot together since the discussion part took over the outing. However, the most important thing is that she got the emotional support she needed right now, and I feel fulfilled within.

How did you spend your #beautifulSunday?

All images are mine.

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