Chill Day: Strolling and Coffee Time with my Friends

"Women's friendships are like a renewable source of power."

~Jane Fonda


Chill afternoons are a luxury to me lately. Having time to bond with my lady friends is something I often look forward to.

It was an afternoon stroll months ago with my friends. We attended a solemn activity to support our friend who is from Oslob . As it was over, we decided to walk around the park near the Oslob church and the Cuartel.


πŸ”ΌThe Oslob Catholic Church. It's been quite some time since my last visit here.

πŸ”½The Cuartel remains a beautiful historical landmark in Oslob.


It was a moderately quiet Saturday afternoon. There were some students in the area looking like they were practicing some group task for school. There were other people walking about; some were also chilling on the benches. There were some food vendors as well.



There was a soft sea breeze. The fire trees, quietly basking under the soft rays of the sun, started swaying, as if in a slow dance. The red (and red orange) flowers caught my eye and reminded me of an interesting anime I have recently finished watching.

We walked around, taking pictures and lightly talking about random things. It was a day for us to just laugh and chill before going back to Dalaguete.


Do you also look at the sea and then feel that a little weight has somehow been lifted off your shoulders?"

While walking around, we saw that humans aren't the only ones who wanted to chill. Being the type of person who finds joy in the simple and the random, I took this photo of these dogs. They seem to be in a queue, like waiting for the man on the bench to share some of the food he was eating. I wonder if they have owners. It is my constant wish that every dog in the world would have a happy home.πŸ™


Then, we asked some students to take our picture with the sea as our backdrop.


Thanks to the students who were practicing a group presentation at the park for taking this photo using my phone.

We walked further and saw the ruins of what seemed to be a viewing tower. What amazes me about ruins of the historical past is how they were built given the limited materials and technology during those times. πŸ‘

One of our friends volunteered to take this photo for me.

And then she asked us to jump!


It took three tries to get a clear jumpshot.πŸ˜‚
Thank you Miss D!

We went to the vendors and decided to buy some Indian mangoes perfectly paired with shrimp paste.


I like eating Indian mangoes that are slightly ripe. I like how it blends with the taste of the salty shrimp paste.

It was time to go. We savored the last few minutes of that relaxing stroll in Oslob. We rode on our friend's car and started heading home.

Coffee Talk
On our way back, our friend (who owned and drove the car we were in) suggested that we drop by at Heybaked x Analog Cafe. It is a cozy place beside the church in Alcoy, Cebu.


We talked over coffee and frappe. It felt wonderful as we were just chilling, not really in a rush to do something or to go somewhere. And though I am thinking of immediately going home to my son, I also wanted to enjoy this moment with my friends. It feels good to be laughing and talking to friends you know you can rely on.


Time with friends also recharges your soul. Thanks for the free drinks Miss D.
From my left: Diana, Hayj, and Michelle.

As there were only few people when we came, we took the chance to take photos and just look around.


If you get the chance to visit Alcoy, check out this cafe just beside the church. I love their caramel frappe especially the tasty and moderately sweet whipped cream on top.They also offer a variety of food and drinks.


It was a simple yet memorable afternoon and we ended it well. Time with friends is truly precious. It is a way to de-stress even on a random weekend. Having good friends at this point in my life is truly a blessing.


Thank you dear Hivers for reading my blog. I hope you'll have a great time with your friends as well. Have a great day!πŸ’œ

Note: The photos with the tower ruins were taken and shared by my friend Diana via AirDrop.These are used with permission. Thank you Miss D. The rest of the photos were personally taken by me using my phone. I cropped some of the photos and inserted text using Paint 3D. I also used Canva for the photo collage.

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