📝Research Defense Day!🧐

Wolleh, everyone! Have you seen my latest blog about the DENR's dalaw turo? Today, I want to share with you all the happenings after attending DENR'S Dalaw Turo, the day after the Dalaw Turo is our Research Defense. (Me and my group researchers forgot to take a group photo.)


The night before Research Defense, I was so nervous, because I kinda accidentally deleted the PowerPoint we used in Research Proposal which is what we are also going to use in the final defense HAHAHAH. So I clutched everything on making a new PowerPoint presentation. Luckily, I was able to finish the ppt (PowerPoint) before 11 pm and have enough time to rest and prepare my mind in the Defense.

We decided to meet here in Shawn's place since the defense is virtual. The view here is great!

While waiting for our turn, we practiced our part in the presentation, making sure that we didn't exceed the 7-minute time limit. We also drank the juice that Shawn prepared for us to help us calm down.


Then it's finally our turn to present, As what we practiced we did it! Our time was only around 3 minutes, and we tried our best to answer the questions that followed confidently and lively. After answering the questions, we jumped in happiness because the panelists seemed to like our presentation. Unfortunately, We didn't get to the part where everyone finished their defense because my laptop was battery-low. But according to our classmate, The panelist/Research teacher of Grade 10 SPS students, who is also the YES-O coordinator complimented us, hearing that lightens up our day!

After Research Defense

Me and my friends decided to get a break and enjoy or celebrate because research is finally over, which is a nightmare for most of the students. 🥲

Eating ice cream

As we were walking looking for a place where my friends film their cheer dance (that day is also the submission of our cheerdance project in PE, luckily I was able to finish mine before the defense and submitted it to our mapeh teacher), The weather was really hot, so we avoided the heat and only crossed to the shaded part of the road. As we were walking, there was no more shaded part. However, we noticed that the side of the white wall was not exposed to direct sunlight, so I went there with my friend @tvlipz02, not minding if anyone saw us and thought we were crazy. The most important is we're not exposed to the sunlight 😆 it can burn our skin.

"Girls just wanna have fun" -Cyndi Lauper.


While my friend @phoennix09 was practicing her steps in cheer dance I decided to lay on the stone because I'm so tired of all the walking. Don't worry the stone is clean.

@tvlipz02 and Stephanie are bored and they decided to make a model while @phoennix09 is still practicing her cheer dance and I'm game for it because why not?

Taken by Stephanie

Taken by @tvlipz02 😄

Moments Later
We decided to go to the Lapyahan to watch the sun setting. This is what I captured.


After watching the sunset, we decided to go home since it was already 6 pm. While looking for a tricycle the church caught my attention, I love it.

That's all for today I am forever grateful to you all for reading my blogs!❣️

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