“A Day with My Other Halves: The Boridogs' Bonding Adventure”👩🏻‍🍳🍝


Hello hivers! Allow me to introduce myself again, @amishu, and welcome to my blog!🌷

Please take a moment to read my blog, where you will discover some insightful information and lessons on my next adventure!🍝

Friendship is one of the most precious gifts life can offer. It's the bond that keeps us going, the laughter that brightens our days, and the memories that we cherish forever. Recently, my friends and I, whom I consider my other halves, decided to spend a day together to rekindle our bond. We missed each other dearly, so we planned a get-together at Kate's house. Since she had to babysit her nephew, it was the perfect spot for our little reunion.👯‍♀️


It's been a while since the five of us, got together. We were all very excited as we planned our day at Kate’s house. Memay suggested we should try Buldak Carbonara, it’s a korean noodles a dish none of us had tried before. It sounded delicious, and we were all eager to give it a go.🤩


The day finally arrived. At 12 PM, I started getting ready for our 1 PM meeting. I took a quick shower, picked out my casual outfit, and made sure I had everything I needed for the day. By 12:45 PM, I was out the door and on my way to Kate’s house. When I arrived, Memay was already there, sitting comfortably on the couch. We greeted each other with big smiles and took a short rest, chatting about our excitement for the day.🗓️



After a while, we decided to head out to Seven Eleven to buy the Buldak Carbonara. Maria had also planned to meet us there, so it was a perfect meeting point. We left Kate's house and walked to the nearby Value Mart first, hoping to find the Buldak Carbonara. Unfortunately, they didn’t have it. We then moved on to Seven Eleven, hoping for better luck. But again, they didn’t have it either. We were a bit disappointed but still determined to find it.


We decided to wait for Maria before continuing our search. While waiting, we chatted about our lives, recent events, and shared a few laughs. When Maria arrived, we greeted her warmly and filled her in on our unsuccessful search so far. Together, we headed to Savemore, but still no luck.


We then made a quick stop at a sari-sari store for me to get some money and proceeded to Metro and Mercury Pharmacy, but neither had the Buldak Carbonara.☹️


Feeling a bit disappointed but still determined to enjoy our day, we decided to head back to Savemore and find an alternative. We settled on cooking spaghetti instead. We bought a pack of spaghetti noodles, sauce, and to keep costs down, we opted for corned beef instead of ground pork, and we also grabbed some Virginia hotdogs. After paying, we headed back to Kate’s house, eager to start cooking.☺️



The heat had taken its toll, so we took another short rest before starting our cooking adventure. Our stomachs soon reminded us of the task at hand, and we began preparing the spaghetti. We each took on different tasks: I was assigned to cut the onions, Memay cut the hotdogs, and Maria helped prepare other ingredients. Kate, being the most experienced cook among us, took charge of the actual cooking, with me helping by boiling the spaghetti noodles.🍜



As we cooked, we chatted and laughed, sharing stories and jokes. The atmosphere was light and happy. We talked about our recent happenings in life and funny incidents that happened to us. Justine was on her way from Cebu City, and we eagerly awaited her arrival. When she finally walked through the door, the Boridogs were complete. The room was filled with joy as we greeted her with hugs and laughter.🫂



With the spaghetti ready, we served it onto plates and took a few pictures to remember the moment. The first bite was delicious; it might not have been perfect, but it was made with love and tasted great. The combination of spaghetti and sliced bread was a perfect combination. We chatted and laughed as we ate, enjoying each other's company and the simple, home-cooked meal.🍽️



After we had eaten our meal, we took some time to relax, sitting and chatting. We decided to try some fun activities together, but first, we needed a quick touch-up since we looked a bit haggard from cooking. Justine and Kate did the dishes while the rest of us got ready. We freshened up, fixed our hair, and applied some light makeup to look our best for the activities we had planned.🥰



We spent the rest of the evening trying out various trends and ended up laughing and yelling. We attempted some popular dances, which resulted in a lot of hilarious moments and failed attempts. We played games, shared stories, and just enjoyed being together. The room was filled with joy and the sounds of our shared happiness.🤗



As night fell, it was time to head home. My aunt and grandma were already looking for me, so we decided to leave together. We cleaned up, packed our things, and said our goodbyes. This day was a much-needed break and a reminder of the strong bond we share. It's not often that we all find time to be together, but when we do, it’s always special. As we headed home, my heart was full of gratitude for my friends and the wonderful time we had spent together. Each of us headed home safely, with memories of laughter, love, and friendship to remember.💕


Thank you for joining me on this journey through a day with my friends. It's days like these that remind us of the importance of making time for those we care about. Stay tuned for more stories and moments from our lives. Until next time, take care and cherish your friendships!💋

As I draw to a close, let us never forget that supporting one another is what will always make us stronger.

Let’s wrap this up and continue our engaging conversations in my next story.📖


I'm very grateful that you took the time to read my blog post. I'm excited for our more upcoming insightful talk. Stay tuned for more interesting dialogues and captivating stories that will pique your attention!

See you! and have a nice day!🫶🏻


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