#1 Back on track

So I gained extra 6 kilos thanks to quarantine and was 4 kilos overweighted before that. I found myself 10 kilos bigger today. FK that I said) I believe one more reason is that my son @mark3004 was born few days ago. So I collected some energy for him as well)

Decided to go with 4-5 training per week and cut all the bad habits)

My GLO is in the package and alcohol drinks are only for a youtube vlog)

So no smoking and no alcohol day 3 today and the first run in 3 weeks: idea is to stay in the 142-148 HR zone, and it's so freaking slow but damn effective)


Also the food regime with at least 450 grams of proteins from the meat and cottage cheese per day
Some carbs and lots of veggies to get into the 1600-1700 calories range.

Let's see where it will bring me)

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