Snake Plant Propagation | What Went Wrong?


Snake plant (Mother in Law's Toungue) is one of the best indoor purifying plants as certified by NASA.

It is a common plant and is easy to care for and easy to propagate... or so they say.

Being a newbie as a plantmom or plantita (Filipino term for someone who collects and cares for ornamental plants), I have been too enthusiastic to immediately try to reproduce my plants.

In this post, I will share with you three methods I used in propagating the same snake plant. Let's call her the mother plant. We will find out which of the three methods worked best.

This is the mother plant which I bought 7 months ago. One of its leaves bent caused by reporting, so I decided to cut it and propagate before it dies.

Mother Plant

Water Propagation

The first method I tried was by water propagation. I cut the long leaf into 4 parts and put in plastic container with water. (I only used tap water). Covered the lid so that it won't be a home for mosquitoes to breed.

Covered the lid with Styrofoam

I placed the plastic container somewhere high in the kitchen so that it won't be reached by the kids.


After 4 months, this is how they look.

Two of them still have no roots:

no roots after 4 months

One with little roots died after repotting:

sad for this one 😢

One survived with a baby growth:

with baby growth

I repotted it, but it grew very slowly.

slow grower

Cutting off Offsets or Suckers

Another method I tried was cutting the offset or sucker (a term used to a complete baby plant which is attached to the mother plant's base) immediately as it came out.

Here it is, has very slow growth since I reported it 3 months ago.

Picture taken 3 months ago

Current picture:

Picture taken March 28, 2021

Notice that there is almost no development or growth.

Natural Reproduction

The last method I tried was probably the best thing I ever did - that is to not interfere with the plant's natural reproduction.

When I noticed a new offset was developing, I did nothing and just let it grow. And I was surprised just how fast it grows!

It's now as tall than its mom! For only two months, this is what it looks now -

encircled is the new plant

it is Now 33 inches from base to tip


Comparing the offset growth using the 3 methods of propagation -


the 3 offset compared to the mother plant

With the experience I had with this propagation, I can say that it's best to let the offset just grow attached to its mom maybe because it can get a lot of nutrients from the mother which makes it grow fast. Repot if necessary or when they are already crowding the pot. This will give way for new offsets to develop and grow.

This post is only my opinion based on my experience. Well, I'm not an expert.😅

I hope what I shared gave you a new perspective in propagation of snake plant.

What about you, what are your observations? Please share your experiences by commenting below.

Thank you for reading and happy planting!

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