Feathered Friends - Smap Round #143 -- by Sunscape


White Breasted Nuthatch

This Nuthatch is perched on the Maple tree that is right next to the birdfeeder. He has been busily eating insects found in the bark. One of its favorites is the sunflower seeds and peanuts that I throw out for the squirrels. I have seen him wedge one into the tree bark and break the nut open with its beak.

During the winter months, I see the pair of birds on the suet cake a lot. They are often with the Titmouse and Chickadees vying for the suet. Of course, they have to compete with the larger Woodpeckers too.

It has been seen on the birdfeeder a lot lately and I wonder if it is storing some of the seed for the winter somewhere. I know the birds will be here all winter long as I see them every year. This is my entry for the short-legged birds this week. Have a wonderful week my friends.

Thank you @melinda010100 @barbara-orenya and @nelinoeva for this fun #smap contest. Have a great week everyone!

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

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