Birds of Cuba

I have very good memories with each trip to the field to photograph birds, and there are always stories behind each photo, some more dramatic, others less, but always with their own experience. There are species that are easier to get close to, others, on the other hand, demand the greatest effort from you like an army ranger.
Below I share with you some of the birds found in Cuba and the adventures I went through to get them.

Carpintero Verde (Cuban Green Woodpecker)

In Cuba we have 5 woodpeckers, 2 of them are endemic. The one I show you is called Green Woodpecker and they are very beautiful, extremely noisy and complicated to photograph, when they are in the season of looking for mates, and they seem crazy from one tree to another.

I keep this photo with affection because it was extremely difficult to focus it in flight because of how fast they are. My camera is older and lacks some elements that would make my job easier, so after many attempts the photo came out.

Carpintero Jabado ( West Indian Woodpecker)

Another of the ones we have on the island, these have displaced all their coterraneans and are quite territorial. For photos, the best time is when they are making their nest; with caution they let you get close enough without interrupting their work.

Martín Pescador ( Belted Kingfisher)

This is a tricky one, very tricky. They are migratory and come from North America, and are extremely skittish.

Arriero ( Great Lizard -Cuckoo)

One of the largest forest birds we have in Cuba and one of the most beautiful, always in areas of dense vegetation, but occasionally they can be seen.

All photographs are my own, taken with a Nikon D200 camera.

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