Hive Fest Split - Boat Ride

Hive Fest Split 2024 - Boat Ride

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Hive Fest should have been over, but there was one good thing of the bad weather. We got a bonus day.

If you missed any of the previous post you can click on the image and check that out:

hive fest split opening night.jpgHive Fest Split conference day 1.jpgHive Fest Split day 1 dinner restaurant gusar.jpg
Hive Fest Split - Conference Day 2, Diocletian Palace.jpgHive Fest Split - Why Are You So Slow - Billiards Day.jpgHive Fest Split - Hive Rally Car and Closing Drinks.jpg

Bonus day is cool, but a lot of the people had the problem with the schedule. For me it was just moving out of the apartment in the morning and finding a parking place for the car. For some it was impossible to organize as they had flights in the morning. Some had to go to the airport right after the boat ride so they took all their things with them to the boat.
The joke was that maybe it is good that not all developers can go on the boat ride. It is not that smart putting all the devs on a boat with not so great weather :)

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The weather was not so great, but everyone was determined that the boat ride will happen :) The wind and the cold (and lack of sleep after the "closing drinks") did affect the mood a bit. But everything changed the moment we stopped at Uvala Jelinak veli. Not sure how this looks in the middle of the season, but now it was a really nice private beach for Hive Fest.

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Even the weather got better. The wind stopped and it was much warmer. Jarvie was taking some cool shots, i was late to piggyback on it :)

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Some of the people came ready, and with no hesitation. I hardly managed to get to the beach and they were already in the water.

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Water was still warm but the tricky part was getting out of it :) A part of me probably died as i spent 8 days by the Adriatic sea (spoiler alert, weather was bad till the end of the trip) and didn't go for a swim in it.

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Those not ready to take a swim enjoyed the view and the nice weather we surprisingly got.

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This photo has some subtle evidence of when Kesilgonzalez left the Closing Drinks party :)

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Is i was making the cover photo for this post, i noticed that i like how this looks. I did try it in just black and white but it did not work. The boat looks nice in this photoshop sketch graphic pen filter. And people walking adds to the feeling.

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The original photo is kinda meh :)

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Photographer taking a photo of a photographer taking a photo of a photographer taking a photo.

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So everyone went for lunch prepared on the boat. After that in the original plan there was some more cruising. But we had to come back earlier because some people had flights 7-8PM.

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We had an hour or so to explore the island a bit. Some took it serious :) or not so.

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I do like taking pictures of people taking pictures. Maybe because there is a bit of a posing but also candid in them.

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I tried the black and white edit on some of the photos. So here is a batch of B&W

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The ride back was not that cold and windy. At least on the lover deck.

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Camera people always aware of the camera :)

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At the way back we had some lovely chats, some of them were about good and bad series and movies in the last 10 years. There were several movies mentioned were i was thinking i need to remember those, of course i forgot all of them :)

Thinking about it, it is a bit funny that people from 3 different continents of the world watched and enjoyed the same shows. That would probably not happen 20-30 years ago. But again i would probably never met any of you people 20-30 years ago. Internet and social networks. Used for good :)

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Most of these photos i took in the last 15-20 minutes of the trip as my camera was in the bag enjoying the conversations. It would probably stay in the bag but i saw a dolphin jumping out of the water close to the boat. No proof of the dolphin as he said So long and thanks for all the fish and was gone before i got my camera out. Misslasvegas criticized me for not mentioning the dolphin, i did but she was busy making fun of Rick Grimes or something like that.

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Added this photo for my friend living on a boat in Vancuver, as we were talking about it while i was uploading photos :)

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I think there was some football talk here, not sure are they fans of Barcelona :)

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The boat ride finished, and with it, the Hive Fest officially finished. As we were awkwardly standing on a dock some waiting to say goodbye, some who were staying for few more days organizing after hivefest diner, the talks about next HiveFest started. There were some jokes about A Cruise Ship HiveFest, probably influenced by the boat ride we just had. Not sure where will it happen but i know for sure i will do everything in my power to be part of it.

Me, i said my goodbyes and started walking to the parking lot where i left my car. Still not sure were will i go next as i didn't book anything. But about that in some of the next posts.

And again, if all this photos were not enough for you, if you didn't see yourself here or you didn't like how you look on photos, there is a small chance that can be fixed by CLICKING ON THIS GDRIVE LINK WHERE ALL THE PHOTOS FROM HIVE FEST SPLIT - BOAT RIDE ARE LOCATED

I don't feel that i need to say this so i often forget. If you think for some weird reason that some of the photos are great feel free to use it. And there are google drive links with more photos from every day, so feel free to download what you want. Credit is appreciated.

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