My Road to HiveFest - Finaly Reaching Split - The End of an Epic Journey

Today was the 5th and last day of my road to HiveFest.

For those who missed my previous posts, I began a 1500km motorbike to HiveFest from Cluny (France) to Split (Croatia) to attend HiveFest.

Here are the links to the previous posts: Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4

Today marked the final leg of my incredible 1500km motorbike journey to HiveFest. It was a relatively relaxed day, with just around 150 kilometers left to cover

A Cool Start

I started later than usual, as the weather near Zadar was a bit cloudy. My first mission of the day was to find a place to buy an additional SD card for my camera, as the one I had was already full from the footage of previous days.

I was then able to set sail towards my final destination. Unlike the previous days, I took my time driving, making a few detours to explore interesting sites along the way. I even had a relaxing lunch by the sea.


Arriving in Split

After the meal, riding to reach Split was a mere formality. I arrived in Split around 15:50, feeling a mix of exhilaration and fatigue.


However, the most challenging and risky part of my trip awaited me: I had to carry my bike cases over 500 meters in full biker gear under the scorching sun.

The task became even more daunting when I had to climb two flights of very steep stairs. There were a few heart-stopping moments where I almost lost my balance and fell down. Adventure to the end!

An Evening to Unwind

After a long, much-needed shower, I met up with @eturnex and @masterswatch, who were already in Split.

We enjoyed a few drinks and a delightful dinner together, sharing stories and experiences.

Sorry for the poor quality of the picture. My selfie skills are as exhausted as I am.

Although I felt relaxed, the fatigue from the past days caught up with me, and I decided to call it an early night.

The Last and Fatal Mistake

Just when I thought the day was over, I made a critical error: I closed one of my bike cases with the key inside, along with other important items (all my other keys, laptop, ...)

This quite fucked the day. Stupid me.

The type of locks on these cases are notoriously unbreakable. In a moment of desperation, I had to urgently organize the delivery from home of a spare key, with the invaluable help of @lordbutterfly. Huge thanks to him for coming to my rescue.

There will be a Bonus Post... later.

Tonight, exhaustion has taken its toll, and I can barely keep my eyes open. Every day has had its share of annoyances. I have overcome them all and I will overcome this last one, but right now, all I want is to sleep!

Writing this post is a testament to my commitment to closing this series that I started with you, and because I know some of you are waiting impatiently for it! I'll write a recap and review of this incredible adventure later.

For now, it's time to rest.

Ride OFF and good night!

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