Hive Open Mic 123 - Acoustic Guitar Cover "Buka Semangat Baru" by @romirspc

Holaaa Hive Open Mic Community! 🤗

Come back again with me @romirspc here and this week we have another amazing opportunity weekly contest in Hive Open Mic - Week 123 which the theme is about "A Better World For All" 🎵

This theme is really amazing for this week because we know a better world is a dream for all of us where all living beings can live a life in peace, serenity and prosperity. I would like to say thankyou so much to @cabelindsay, @mipiano, @jesunslnrs, @musicandreview, @juliopalomo and all the teams who give us opportunity to sharing and enjoy creativity each others in the form of music 🤗🎼


According this weekly contest theme about "A Better World For All" so, this song (Buka Semangat Baru) has something to do with our theme this week because this song tells about opening a new spirit for a better life because with the spirit within us will make us struggle to achieve all our goals and dreams and make us a better person than before.

In addition,this song is sung by several famous musicians in Indonesia including Ello, Ipang, Saint Loco and Lala so this song is very popular in Indonesia, besides the cheerful lyrics and rhythm of the song make this song very pleasant to listen to.

Hope you'll be like and enjoy the song guys 😁

Song Lyrics "Buka Semangat Baru"

hello teman semua
ayo kita sambut, hari baru telah tiba
apa yang kurasakan, ku ingin engkau tahu
dan berbagi bersama

hello all friends
let's welcome, a new day has arrived
what i feel, i want you to know
and share together

buka kita buka hari yang baru
sebagai semangat langkah ke depan
jadi pribadi baru
buka kita buka jalan yang baru
tebarkan senyum wajah gembira
damai suasana baru
bukalah bukalah semangat baru
bukalah bukalah semangat baru
bukalah bukalah semangat baru

open we open a new day
as a step forward
become a new person
open us open a new path
spread a smile on a happy face
peaceful new atmosphere
open up, open up a new spirit
open up, open up a new spirit
open up, open up a new spirit

coba diam walau hanya tuk sejenak,
dengarkan kata dari s'gala yang ku ucap,
ku jelang pagi ini nikmati damai di hati,
dalam waktu penuh arti karena aku dicintai,
ku ingat kemarin suasana tak bersemangat,
namun kini ku jalani dan semua rasanya tepat,
bersama kita coba wujudkan harapan,
membuka jalan dalam 'gapai setiap tujuan.

try to be quiet even if only for a moment,
listen to the words of everything I say,
I am approaching this morning enjoy peace in my heart,
in a meaningful time because I'm loved,
I remember yesterday the mood was uninspired,
but now i live and everything feels right,
together we try to make hope,
pave the way in 'reach every goal.

mentari bersinar... selalu
ini yang ku minta penuh semangat tertawa
bersamamu teman semua
karna ini saatnya kita nyanyi bersama

the sun is shining... always
This is what I asked for excitedly laughing
with you all friends
because it's time for us to sing together

buka kita buka hari yang baru
sebagai semangat langkah ke depan
jadi pribadi baru
buka kita buka jalan yang baru
tebarkan senyum wajah gembira
damai suasana baru

open we open a new day
as a step forward
become a new person
open us open a new path
spread a smile on a happy face
peaceful new atmosphere
open up, open up a new spirit
open up, open up a new spirit
open up, open up a new spirit

dengarkan hatimu, pastikan pilihanmu
esok mentari kan datang, bawa sejuta harapan
kita jumpa di sana, berbagi bersama
dan kita tahu, pelangi yang satukan kita

listen to your heart, make sure your choice
tomorrow the sun will come, bring a million hopes
we'll see you there, share together
and we know, the rainbow that unites us

buka kita buka hari yang baru
sebagai semangat langkah ke depan
jadi pribadi baru
buka kita buka jalan yang baru
tebarkan senyum wajah gembira
damai suasana baru

open we open a new day
as a step forward
become a new person
open us open a new path
spread a smile on a happy face
peaceful new atmosphere
open up, open up a new spirit
open up, open up a new spirit
open up, open up a new spirit

bukalah bukalah semangat baru
bukalah bukalah semangat baru
bukalah bukalah semangat baru

open up, open up a new spirit
open up, open up a new spirit
open up, open up a new spirit

Lyrics Credit here

Thankyou for watching the video and visit my article, and nice to meet you to All Hive Open Mic Community! Let's Rock Together !!! 😁

Don't forget if you like this content you can upvote, rehive and reblog guys Thankyou Hivers Fams 😊

See you in next contest Hive Open Mic Community 😎

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I'm Romi and i'm Crypto Enthusiast, that interesting with Blockchain Ecosystem and i love to be content creator in blockchain social media and sharing my perspective and experience on Hive Blockchain. I Hope that i can develop my knowledge day by day especialy about Cryptocurrencies and making new friends that i can called as my families :)

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