I think the main idea of social media was to connect people from across the globe, make the world smaller with a touch of fun to it. I'm pretty sure no one anticipated the social media space would turn out to be this competitive and lucrative not just for the developers but also for the users.
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In as much as the developers compete to stay an edge over each others (Which saw the exit of many. Example: Myspace, Friendster and Google+) has been good for innovations, the users have also found ways to leverage their time and Data subscription spent on these platforms to something valuable. Many have built brands virtually both as artits, artisans and even online stores.

At the moment, the two kings of the social media space are Facebook and Twitter. Twitter's marketing strength using the hashtags and target geographic options is only second to Facebook's advantage for proximity which employs the use of Friends of friends (mutual friends) mode of advertising.

What makes one thicker than the other isn't what I'd really like to discuss about here today but rather the social media mindset of the users and the high they get off individual targeted platforms. Today I'll be focussing on a platform Twitter.

For some reasons, users in this atmosphere have anointed themselves the Judges and Juries of all netizans (Internet users). So when you put up a post dressed glammly and so fashionable get ready to be probed, if not for the cost of the outfit and how much it would have changed someone's life it would be that you didn't cover a part of your body or you're suffering a wardrobe malfunction.

Sometimes I feel its their inability to pour out their minds in a short words makes them shoot out venoms disguised as intelligence. In simple terms if you want to get bashed, miss a step on Twitter, sit, relax and wait for the comments notifications.

Twitter is great for marketing and like Hive it is possible to reach out to millions of other users who are not close to you maybe not in the same country or Continent. However, the usage of certain Hashtags(#) brings divers people barely following each other together on a topic.

So in terms of serious business mindedness, Twitter is awesome. In just a few clicks you can keep yourself abreast with the happenings for the day. All of a sudden what's trending in the business world is at tour finger tips in split seconds. Soon you're up to date with comments from the tycoons and moguls of different fields. And your day has started.

At the moment, the Hive Twitter campaign is churning in twitter users from different cities, countries and even continents because conversations about hive with the hashtag (#hive) is added with other hashtags like (#Bitcoin, #Crypto, #Cryptocurrencies #Blockchain) other users monitoring either of these other hashtags accidentally storms upon #hive or is constantly bombarded with it and soon click the link to find out about hive by themselves. So Twitter is the best place for marketing.

Majorly, the big investors monitor the peoples perception of an asset before buy and the nest way to do this is following discussions via the #hashtags of these assets. Hence, if you want to get a great investor, Twitter is your best bet.

now flip


Above is a tweet about a young entrepreneur who had devoted his after school days building a brand name and reputation for himself only to be wrongly accused for sexual assault. And without due thoughts or investigations, his followers, her followers all followers on Twitter went to work dragging and bashing every shred of reputation he had. According to his words in the video even from people he expected more from.

Prior to his action, there had been a banter on Twitter on issues about Rapists, pedophiles, and sexual assaults happening even inside buses and at ATM stands. Ladies being touched without permission was on the rise and even celebrities were being called out by females, some not because of the actual act but because of their comments on tweets. It was in the heat if this time that this young man was called out.

The power of social media many have now become to plugged and plunged into. Events and ceremonies that didn't need too has now become lucrative for the vendors involved in planning and executing the event. All because the hosts wants to break the internet and become the rave for a moment.

The Lady in question who accused Mr Izu did this just to have her voice heard, and possibly gain the sympathy of Twitter users and she did get it and the expense of someone's image, reputation and unfortunately it has now cost him his life. I am not a fan of suicide myself as I believe their are better ways to sort issues out other than strife and now suicide, but the questions looms, "Do they really have time to construct good tweets before pushing the send button?" Or is its a loose mouth loses hand kind of replies after all what are the consequences, I'm just a masked user behind a keyboard, no one can find me or hold me accountable for my words so I bash on.

I decided to write this article because recently I've been seeing same vibes and angst on tweets coming from beautiful minds with good intentions only for that intentions to be ignore and attention shifted elsewhere. A case of misplaced priorities.

So sad.

The comments in this tweet can force someone choose the cancer instead. Makes you wonder if those commenting accounts are owned by real people in real world. An example of good intentions, bad attentions.

This tweet is another case study. All I see in this tweet is creativity and an idea for fashion. What the trolls saw was different.
Good intentions, Bad attentions.

How do you use your twitter?

These are just excerpts from from twitter, in my next article we'd treat the behaviors of another social media platform and how its users apply it to their daily lives.

Like this user said, "just gonna leave this here".

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