Crypto's Fruition & Celebrating My 28th Birthday.


September for crypto may be all gloom and doom, but for me, it's always blissful because it's actually my birth month. So, on the 22nd I turned 28 however on my official national identity card, it's actually 26 there. The effect of trying to maneuver one's way in a failed country. I was talking to @joetunex before that time, someone I've come to see as a confidant, an adviser and someone I've come to respect age wise as well.

We were reiterating on opportunities and how sometimes it's Important that we do things pretty early in life, he felt that at 28, I had already set up some pretty nicely when it came to finance. While this might be a bit aggrandizing, I wouldn't totally disagree with it. At 20, I was working like two jobs a day and doing ghostwriting at night.

At 23, I first got acclimatized with crypto and at 24 I was exposed to the chain the perfect platform I needed to build something independent for myself, away from the hustles of private and public companies with shitty salaries and wages.

However, I wouldn't really say that I've got my life mapped very early and this is because previously I have dropped out of varsity like twice and at 28, I'm still struggling to finish, not that this is a prerequisite for anything, it's just the basis through which life often begins.

However, dropping out was not a big deal for me and this was because I used to consider the process of officially acquiring knowledge as a procedure that is not necessarily confined to an age range, plus, I was not in a haste. Business can come earlier than education, vice versa, provided a foundation has been previously built.

If I were to measure the pace through which I've moved, I think it's been pretty decent and nothing to be too excited about. Irrespective of that, I've flattered myself sometimes and managed to disappointment myself sometimes.


In all honesty, when it comes to **goals** or **pace**, I try to mirror myself as the only competition I have, I try to see myself in a different light even when the world seems to be moving faster. However, at 28 I feel quite fortunate to be here with so many things to be grateful for. I would say in an uncertain country as Nigeria.

I feel rather blessed to have found crypto, it's been a basis through which most of my dreams have narrowed on. I have always dreamt of own an A-LEVEL tutorial class, thanks to crypto, that dream would soon be a reality.

Likewise, I have always wished to travel or move out of the country, even if it hasn't totally materialized, the chances of it becoming a reality has increased. I have dreamt of owning a house, the chances has increased. Because I believe in the exploits and future of crypto overtime.

It's one aspect of my life that's yet to take a huge leap and that's actually finding me a lovely girl, to build my dreams with. Although this is because of genotype issues, I'm SC and this automatically means I'll have to meet an AA to raise that reality. Another thing is I'm not really your regular sweet talker, I lead a simple life, free from drama.

I'm someone of the opinion that a woman should be a hard worker, a visionary a moneymaker, not a second fiddle or a baby factory as it's often depicted in some African setting, as this is necessary for a financially fruitful union, it's probably another reason why I'm still on the lookout, but then this wouldn't be a priority, if it wasn't for crypto. Call me crazy, but I love money, I love a soft life, and who says I can't retire by forty?


Over the years I've created a mindset of contentment and satisfaction, and I'm happy with the little I can accomplish while aiming to reach better heights. Truth is, there's no pressure to do anything before 30. In the society, especially where I come from, there's this haste with people to achieve these unbelievable dreams. As for me, there's no pressure to own a yatch or a house by 30, but then if it comes I'll see it as a fruition and nothing more.

Pressure is a killer, and this is why I try to flow with the ride. It's been a jolly ride and there has been so much to be grateful for. I'm not really the outdoor or party type, but this time around, I have been really too busy to spend a few bucks, take some days off myself and invite a few friends over, but maybe I'll do this in December again with @k-banti and @starstrings01

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A Sense Of Self Accountability: Why Minimalism Exceeds Beyond Spending Money.
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My name is @Josediccus, a young Nigerian entrepreneur who is a Vlogger, A Psychologist, Poet, Sports Writer/Analyst & Personal Finance Coach. I'm using my contents as a process to create shared meaning as well as create expressions through which people on/off hive can relate. I believe content is a process to be enjoyed and relished and I'm up for any collaborations in my field stated above. Cheers

@Josediccus, your brother-in-pen & heart

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