Naija - 10 decades After

I love my country, sincerely amidst what I would complain about or how much I would rant in this blog, I just want to state that fact.

I love my country

I have seen the problems faced by other countries, earthquakes, hurricanes, and so many natural disasters that we would hopefully never experience. So for that, I am grateful for my father’s land.

But when I seat to think of what will become of this country in 100 years'' time, I just shake my head because it would take the grace of God for this country to get better in terms of all-around development.

I have been the opportunity to talk to people who have stayed way longer than I am in this country and help them understand the difference in time from when they were born till now, I spoke to My father who is in his late 60’s and my husband’s Grandmother who is her late 80’s and yes they had some positive things to say about our growth over the years but the negativity outweighs the positive.

After all, I heard them say I would describe Nigeria as a child that started growing so well and stopped growing because the child had been diagnosed with a disease that has caused his serious stunted growth and retardation, And that disease is greek.

over 60 years ago when we fought for independence and had the amalgamation and lot of wonderful activities that we celebrate today, those times were
Promising, other nations were even threatened by the future of Nigeria.. we were on top and rising fast, nations looked up to us, and life as a Nigerian had great promise but somehow greed took over and it has been growing like a wildfire in our country.

My partner was telling me about the different experiences he has had with immigration at a Nigerian airport and an International airport.. how it took him less than 30min to have proceeded internationally but in Nigerian, he spent over 8 hrs with immigration because we are yet to automate most of our process, the problem is that Nigeria has the means to make life easy for us in so many ways, like the voting process, NIN process, getting a passport process lot of process but the thought of how much they would lose if the process is developed and changes stop them from allowing any form of development.


We are always practically the last to get introduced to any form of new technology, we would wait for the whole world to experience it and all we do is read about it in magazines and see it on the news before it gets to us.

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Definitely 100 years there will be technological development all over the world but it would be nice if that development starts with one of the brave minds we have amongst us.


Then there is improper planning and a lack of support from our people. There are a lot of things that can generate money for us here in Nigeria but we have somehow lost hope in ourselves that we have to depend on another country to produce the basic things we need to survive. We import everything, and the ones we manage to produce get rejected or Underrated because we don’t even trust ourselves enough to do a good job and produce quality. Now that lack of trust and improper management of the funds has caused us to keep Running into debt every time.

Someone rightly said during one of my many conversations about this country that

Nigeria is living from paycheck to paycheck whilst accumulating a huge debt that our children will pay for.

With that saying alone you can just imagine what 100 years from now will look like...

Like I said earlier it would take the grace of God and selflessness from us Nigerian and our government to make is better.

I may not be here in 100 years, but I look forward to a better Nigeria, I hope Nigeria proves us all wrong and do better.

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