破曉時的跳蚤市場 / The flea market at dawn






When I was young, I used to read martial arts novels where there was always this place called the underground black market. Only insiders knew the location and time it would open. Without someone guiding you, regular people wouldn’t even know how to get in. But once inside, you could trade information and buy all sorts of things, from beautiful women to people’s lives. As long as you had money, you could get whatever you wanted. Back then, I just thought it was fascinating, though I didn’t know if it was real or fake, and I never considered trying to get involved.

These days, I’ve heard of something called the dark web. You can only access it with special software, certain authorizations, or by making special configurations to your computer. Once connected, you can supposedly find anything from corporate secrets to bizarre videos, drugs, weapons, and even services like murder-for-hire or rape. It’s kind of like an online version of the black market, while the old one was offline.

One morning, before dawn, I suddenly felt like going to the flea market—somewhere I hadn’t visited in ages—to see if there was anything interesting. At the entrance, I saw rows of stalls, with piles of messy items laid out in front of the vendors. Surprisingly, even that early, there were quite a few people browsing. Most of them, like me, were looking around with curiosity, checking out what each stall had to offer. Many of the items looked old, dirty, and unremarkable, but the prices were shockingly low. I casually asked a vendor about a small bag of ancient coins, and he said it was only NT$50. He mentioned he was packing up, so he was selling them off cheap. Now, I’m not an expert in ancient coins, so I had no idea if they were real or fake. Plus, I know coins are usually sold individually, so when they’re bundled together like this, it’s really just a gamble. I also thought, “No one’s in the business of losing money”, so I didn’t buy them.

Used clothes were mostly priced from NT$10, and the final price often depended on the vendor’s mood and your haggling skills. There were plenty of second-hand phones too, with some priced as low as NT$100. But I’ve been burned before—bought one and it didn’t work, so now I don’t trust buying second-hand phones here. Personally, I think the most interesting things to look at are the various antiques, old watches, and jade pieces. A friend of mine actually spent years studying jade appraisal to make money, and even he says he still buys fake jade sometimes. But with more experience, he’s been getting better at avoiding it. Most of the stuff at the flea market is second-hand, fake, or even stolen goods, so the high risks come with potentially high rewards. I wandered around for about thirty minutes as the sun started to rise, and all the vendors packed up and left. It definitely had a bit of that black market feel.

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