SPS Poll - Should we change the Market Fees?


The initial feedback on the market fee proposal was very much in line with my own thoughts. Just for context, that was the original idea suggested (changing fees to 10%) and I suggested the alternative as it seemed less extreme and taxing at scale. In my misguided attempt at fairness I figured I should run the original idea for posterity, clearly it was not well received (as I had expected). That said, feedback is still good and useful. Time to learn and grow and do better.

I am definitely a fan of the stake-weighted polling as it allows for more open-ended feedback and have been using it. The feedback can be a bit limited though when people don't participate. Currently I'm discussing the idea of getting a 3rd page on the in-game proposal system where we could link to polls and have optional alerts for people that want to participate. Hopefully we can get that done with minimal fuss.


Since we already have the (failed) proposal linked on the site, I'll go ahead and make a poll to link on that post so that hopefully we can get something of value out of it. I'll do my best to keep it simple. If there is significant demand to explore options on how to change the fees, then I'll do more polling to get into specifics. For now let's focus on this question:

Should We Restructure the Market Fees?

No, don't change anything.
This one is pretty straightforward. We shelve this issue and just leave it alone.

Yes, some to the team or DAO. Keep the burn.
If you are interested in adjusting the existing 6% fee to ensure the team or DAO receives some portion from market fees while keeping the burn percentage the same, then choose this option. If it wins we'll do some more polling to figure out what percent breakdown people want.

Yes, some to the team or DAO. Remove the burn.
If you are interested in adjusting the existing 6% fee to ensure the team or DAO receives some portion from market fees while removing the burn percentage, then choose this option. If it wins we'll do some more polling to figure out what percent breakdown people want.

Yes, Increase market fees for Team or DAO share.
If you would prefer to see an overall increase in market fees to add some share of all market fees that goes to the team and or DAO, then choose this option.

SPS Poll - Should we change the Market Fees?
You may select 1 choices
No, don't change anything.
Yes, some to the team or DAO. Keep the burn.
Yes, some to the team or DAO. Remove the burn.
Yes, Increase market fees for Team or DAO share.
3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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