PEPTEvent FG #29 2024-02-11 Collecting Food Gold, Earning ePay Tokens and gifting TooFuckeh tokens.


Time to share another 7 day event sponsored by @pept-earn account for our Project ePayTraffic #PEPT traffic exchange community. #FJ continues to be very busy, hence the delay for this blog.

Recently upgraded on The Food Game

Your member level is Master Chef and it expires on 2025-02-09.

That cost $49.90 is now a liability for @pept-earn account. So lets take a lot at some numbers.


Step #1 GoldThe currency for The Food Game platform. Think of it as a ecommerce token. Each appetizer event cost 15,000 gold and 5,000 of it is a fee for The Food Game. The remaining 10,000 is what gets shared amongst all the earners.Currently, FJ has 3,858 gold so we need more to sponsor an event. FG#30 is already schedule so we have time to earn some gold. I will buy gold via @fjworld account as need be to keep the event going. However, I prefer to demonstrate how we can work together for a mutual benefit. So lets look at step #2
Step #2 FridgeI have upgraded my fridge to a size big enough to be able to generate some gold from buying and selling food items.There are many styles of players in The Food Game. For the purpose of this PEPTEvent, we will play the buy, hold and sell game. fjworld will try to keep open orders for every food item. Prices do fluctuate so one needs to follow some best practice to ensure maximum returns. So do consider trading your food items with fjworld
Step #3 EarnYou can surf advertiser pages and earn some food items.I try to complete the maximum of 50 pages to earn 30 food items. These food items are sold in the marketplace for gold. If you ever need some food items, do purchase from fjworld and you will do your part in creating some synergy.

You may see some more administrative changes to better manage in-flows from various revenue streams and out-flows for our Project ePayTraffic reward program. Changes are necessary so get use to it. All part of a Continuous Process Improvement methodology. Remember our problem solving token? #TooFuckeh Well, you have an opportunity to receive a gift for helping move some traffic via Project ePayTraffic.

But first...

Follow a few easy steps to get setup, enjoy viewing some member advertised pages where you have some #fun earning some gold that gets converted to #ePay tokens.

View Ads
To get started you will need to be a member of Project ePayTraffic

The following link is a Collaborative Advertising Campaign, unique to PEPT. You will be sent to an affiliate page of a member that has purchased a Collaborative Advertising Bundle. Check it out on ePayTraffic. It's a good deal.

Once you have created your account, added your own advertised page you just have to view some member pages.

Click Chef Badge
Every 25 pages, you will see a Chef's Hat that you need to click. This will send you to The Food Game claim page. When you join The Food game, make sure you have added your ePayTraffic user id as part of the badge collection setup.

Affiliate earnings from The Food Game are used to build wealth for our community tokens. Also, look for @fjworld if you are buying from the food market.The gold earned from sale and surfing is used to sponsor these events. Thank you for your ongoing support.

Earn Gold
The Food game Appetizer #peptevent is hosted by traffic exchange owners who want to run a separate promo, outside the regular Food Game events. The prizes are given out in Gold, and all participants win. The Gold prize is a prize pot, and everyone who claims at least 1 Food Game prize from each of the participating sites will win part of the prize pot (as long as each share is worth at least 1 gold).

The following link will show the shareholders in the current event.

Hive Post
Reply in the next event blog with your ePaytraffic username and include the amount of gold you earned. Your reply, upvote and tips all contribute to building wealth for our Hive Project ePayTraffic exchange community. So post within the 7 day cycle so Hive rewards get applied accordingly.

Receive ePay Tokens
For subscribers of our PEPT community, and a holder of a minimum of one(1) #peptide token, you will receive ePay tokens based on your share of The Food Game Appetizer Event Jackpot. If you are not a subscriber of our PEPT community you will need to hold a minimum of two(2) PEPTide tokens to receive ePay tokens.

One Gold = One ePay Token

Please consider subscribing to our Hive traffic exchanging community. This is one of many opportunities designed to distribute our ePay traffic exchange ecommerce token. When you create a blog in the community you help generate some synergy that has a positive impact on your online earnings.

OH! Your Gift for helping out...

Receive from PEPT Banker 100 #TooFuckeh tokens for each listed criteria.

Each item below is worth 100 tokens.
Subscriber of Project ePayTraffic Community
Member of ePayTraffic site.
Upgraded member on ePayTraffic site.
fjworld is your upline on The Food Game
Hold minimum of one(1) PEPTide

In addition to receiving up to 500 tokens from above efforts, if you are a member of our top upgraded service, Income Professional Club, you will receive 1,000 tokens.
That's it for now....more goodies are on the way.

Don't forget that this is the best time to get the lowest possible price for an Income Professional Club membership. You can make an HBD transfer to @PEPT in lieu of a Paypal payment.

Still 5 more Income Professional Club membership available at $16/month US

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