ePay Token Miner and PEPT Business Model


Today, let us review parts of the PEPT Business Model. The ePay token mining part.


Since I joined Hive in 2023 and got more familiar with some of the fundamentals and tools that support a token use case and associated token mining via tribes and outposts, I have been reluctant to adopt the standard toolsets provided by the Hive protocol. I am not a believer of improving efficiencies in a process that is not effective. In my world, effectiveness comes before efficiency. PEPT is a community on a journey and not just a tribe linked to a token. One day I may delve deeper into owning and managing a Hive outpost. Or maybe, PEPT will look into a hostile takeover of a tribe. #LOLZ In any case, at this time, we focus on doing well in a business operation focused on building an ePay token economy.

PEPT Business Model

In our Project ePayTraffic community I have published many blogs to communicate the ongoing operation and future of digital wealth building by FJ World Inc. If you have been following our Hive journey you would have noticed that I am process centric, I love VENN diagrams, I believe in continuous process improvement via Plan-Do-Check-Act and I focus on #FUN with the by-product of my fun being some additional disposable income.

Are you interested in creating digital wealth from your fun?

I am so let us look a little deeper into our OAS Venn diagram. Owner(O), Advertiser(A) and Surfer(S). You know, in Canada, OAS means Old Age Security. How fitting, I am at an age where I receive OAS payments from our government. The fact that I am receiving OAS means that my reported eligible annual income does not exceed the maximum threshold.


Hint: If your journey allows you to manifest million of dollars from your knowledge and skills then you best operate your life within a business perspective.

ePay Business Operation

Truth be known, what I am sharing can work well for any business operation. In terms of ePay token use case, the operation is about moving internet traffic and creating profits from products and services related to the movement of internet traffic. First we look at the high level responsibility of our Owner, Advertiser and Surfer model.


When you join ePayTraffic.com you should consider playing all three roles of this business model. As the owner, you are responsible to ensure that the advertiser and surfer roles have a positive net gain in your business operation. You will want to understand the differences and importance of a Balance Sheet and Income Statement.


As we go forward in our journey I will expand on these necessary business report that help us determine the profitability of our daily activities.


The advertiser circle is where we promote our products and/or services. For example, when you create an ad campaign on ePayTraffic, you are promoting your product and/or service to the world. That means you will want to implement tools and processes that can help you achieve maximum returns from your expended time and money. Going forward, we will work together to build and use effective tools and services.


If your active online then your activity could be referred to as internet surfing or browsing to some degree. In the context of ePayTraffic, a surfer is someone that is making time to look at ad campaigns, collecting items, competing in challenges and earning from time and investment. Keep in mind that surfers are unique. Sure there are similarities across groups of surfers but nevertheless each is unique. That means our Owner and Advertiser objectives must align to serve the need of the surfer of interest.

ePay Token Miner

So our three circles of interest combine, collaborate and come together to create an ideal earning potential. In this case, an ePay token mining opportunity. Okay, its not an autonomous Hive blockchain token miner but it is a miner nevertheless. You see, and I have mentioned this before, and I will continue to repeat it, make sure your process works well manually before you introduce automation. In my experience, I often see automation used on poorly functioning processes.

Now What?

Today, we have 3 million ePay tokens in circulation. The top holders account for approximately 2.93 million tokens.


Currently, you get ePay tokens from surfing, buying from the market or earning them as a bonus for completing some defined activities.


Since we are still in the infancy stage you can see much volatility from 0.001 to 0.10 in the price range. This is expected to continue for a few more weeks. In time we will see less fluctuation in the price range. Remember that ePay is an ecommerce token that is being established as a currency for a network of traffic exchange sites and programs. The Food Game is a network of partner sites all using the same underlying script that allows people to advertise, surf and compete for various revenue streams. The Food Game network includes 300+ traffic exchange sites. There are several other network of sites that could contribute to future revenue streams. For now, we keep the focus narrow while we build the components of our own ePay network of sites.

In the coming weeks you will see more content circulating across many traffic exchange sites where we promote products and services available via ePay tokens. Be on the lookout for some One Time Offers(OTOs) on ePayTraffic, other traffic exchange sites as well as here on Hive. Your support is needed to get the ball rolling. In time, you will be rewarded for being an early funder so don't wait to long to pickup some tokens.

Okay, that's enough for now. Time for another task.

Please do not hesitate to ask question and/or comment.

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