Hashkings: All About Growing Weed Like A True Cartel


One of the most popular games on HIVE is all about growing and selling weed and hash. That is not only legal but also fun and profitable. As expected from a proper cartel, the 1UP-Cartel is running its own weed production ring and has a significant stake in the game. So let us give you a proper overview of its entire ecosystem.


What Am I Looking At?

Hashkings is a cannabis farming simulator that lets players serve in one of many roles - be it baron, farmer or distributor - that work together in supporting the cultivation of seeds into BUDS before you ultimately smoke the "fruit" of your labour.

The base game cycle involves watering seeds grown on plots of land until they become BUDS, a resource necessary for creating joints and/or expanding your production of new seeds. Joints are "consumed" to level up Avatars which facilitate multiple functions such as participating in the new raids system and determining the level cap of your NFT's.

Hashkings is currently engaging with communities like Blockchain Gaming - take a gander at the Farmer Scholarship Program launched as part of their Blockchain Gaming Accelerator initiative - and Peakd while utilizing services like TribalDex (an upgrade to Hive-Engine) and NftMart to support their markets.

Other noteworthy partnerships include Pizza, Rising Star and our very own 1UP (you can roll joints with ONEUP)!

Everything Until Now


Launching with Hashkings 1.0 in late 2019, the game had a simplistic interface with basic functionality in order to provide a proof of concept before development pushed forward with an expanded team. They released a road map that included a beige paper laying out the runway for Hashkings 2.0's launch in early 2021.

Since then, the economy has been fleshed out with two additional native tokens, and the team continues to release expansions such as Raids (an Avatar boss-battling game mode), U.R.F.A (a robot crafting system for boosting yields), and the forthcoming Zcolisseum. Part of the 2.0 upgrade included the exposure of game stats for quickly referencing the top players in various resources, and the team recently announced Hashkings is nearing 1,000 daily players!

Hashkings' central economy is broken down into three native tokens (HKWATER, BUDS, and MOTA) with five base NFTs (Avatars, Water Towers, Land, Seeds and Joints). The expansions introduce new sets of NFTs, but we'll stick to the basics for now.



HKWATER is generated by Water Tower NFT's and consumed by Land NFT's in order to water Seed NFT's. Players specializing in this resource are known as Water Barons.

BUDS are grown from watered Seed NFT's that have been planted on Land NFT's. Players specializing in this resource are known as Farmers. This token is also the primary decision point for players choosing between being Seed Distributors (converting BUDS into MOTA) or Joint Barons (creating Joint NFT's).

MOTA is obtained by "burning" BUDS via placing them into the MOTA Pool for daily yields. The total daily minted MOTA is only 1000, so your personal yield is relative to your portion of the total BUDS placed in the pool.

Base NFTs

Avatars contain player data used to determine level caps for other NFT's' and are required in order to start farming or participate in other game modes (i.e. raids). The total XP of your Avatar(s) will also determine your rewards from future air drops.

Water Tower

Land Plots are required for cultivating Seed NFT's, but they can be rented out to other players by those acting as Land Barons.

Water Towers generate a fixed amount of HKWater each day based on their level, but they too can be rented out to other players by Water Barons. There are a fixed number available, thus they must be purchased or rented from other players.

Seeds are obtained through airdrops that occur whenever the number of total active Land Plots (those still growing Seeds) dips below 5000. The number of seeds you obtain is determined by how much MOTA you stake.

Joints are produced by "spending" BUDS and can be consumed to give fixed amounts of XP (based on type) to your Avatar(s).


What's Happenin'?

Hashkings is currently selling Zombie Avatars for a limited time, and the team intends to reduce the efficiency of consuming Joints for subsequent generations of Avatars. This means early adopters will enjoy greater XP gains from Joints.

If you've been following our initial blog updates, the Cartel swapped 257 CARTEL for the following Hashkings assets at ~50% of their stated value:

Base NFTs

The following prices are not up to date but give you an idea about our current holdings (which have grown already, so we actually own more):

TypeQTYValue in SWAP.HIVEValue in USD
Water Towers13153.9$230.85
Land Plots81400$600

Based on Hive price of $1.5 at time of asset swap


TypeQTYValue in USD

Based on MOTA price of $0.304 at time of asset swap

This collection was originally amassed over the course of a year, and we're excited to see how it continues to grow through the many expansions in store for Hashkings!


Looking Forward

After releasing Hashkings 2.0, development shifted to expansion-based content featuring multiple non-farming game modes that make use of Avatars and introduce new NFT's. Now a sustainable game, the growing dev team is looking to create an ecosystem of interconnected games with farming serving as the foundation. This diversity is intended to provide multiple avenues for introducing new players to the game.

Zcolisseum is the next expansion on the horizon, and the stated goal is to provide an active WASD battler with a top-down view with multiple waves of enemies. Raids bosses will also make an appearance after certain rounds.

This expansion will introduce the following NFT's:

  • Animations (like emotes/dances)
  • Characters
  • Rewards Boxes
  • Scenarios (Arenas)
  • Skins
  • Weapons

And it will feature the first airdrop that takes into account your Avatar XP. If you're looking forward to the continued rollout of non-farming game modes, now might be a great time to get involved.

Where Do I Sign Up?

Before you can start playing, you'll need a Hive wallet for storing the various Hive-based tokens and NFT's used in Hashkings. You'll also need to decide what kind of "role" you want to pursue, so let's walk through the options and their requirements:


Farming Roles

Land Baron

  • Base Requirement: Buy Land NFT's.
  • Play2Earn Mechanism: Rent out your Land Plots.

Note that Land Plots are assigned regions (South America, Mexico, Asia, etc.) that determine what types of Seeds can be grown on them and their harvest cycles. South America, for example, is an entry-level Land Plot with the longest harvest times and worst BUDS output. At the other extreme, Asia has the shortest harvest times with the best BUDS output.

Water Baron

  • Base Requirement: Water Towers.
  • Optional Requirement: Avatars (if generating HKWATER).
  • Play2Earn Mechanism: Rent out your Water Towers or sell HKWATER.

HKWATER production is based on the level of each Water Tower, and you can upgrade your Water Towers by spending $1 per level. Your max level is limited to 1 per 10 Avatar levels, so levelling Avatars with Joints will be necessary if you don't want to buy levelled Avatars directly.


  • Requirement: HKWATER, Land and Seeds.
  • Optional Requirement: Avatars (if generating HKWATER).
  • Play2Earn Mechanism: Sell BUDS or double as a Seed Distributor/Joint Baron.

You can rent Land Plots and Water Towers, but you cannot rent Seeds. You'll use HKWATER to water Seeds planted in Land Plots in order to grow BUDS to sell or further process into MOTA (Seed Distributors) or Joints (Joint Barons).

BUDS can be harvested after 1-7 days with sprouting time shortening as you progress from worst (South America) to best (Asia) Land Plot/Seed combinations. Also, if you're generating your own HKWATER, you'll need levelled Avatars unless you periodically rent higher level Water Towers.

(Important Note: Staking BUDS is currently being discussed as a possible source of passive earning, but we'll discuss this further when more concrete details are released)

Seed Distributor

  • Requirement: MOTA
  • Optional Requirement: BUDS or a Farmer's setup.
  • Play2Earn Mechanism: Stake MOTA to earn and sell Seeds or become a Seed Farmer.

Staking MOTA lets you participate in Seed airdrops where the number of Seeds you receive is based on the percentage of the total staked MOTA you contributed. This means you'll need to actively increase your MOTA stake to preserve (or grow) your Seed revenue.

Alternatively, you can buy BUDS to dump into the MOTA pool for a similar contribution-based daily gain of MOTA which you'll then stake.

You can even go a step farther by becoming a Seed Farmer hybrid that combines both roles in order be self-sufficient. In this case, you save yourself the trouble of buying Seeds by generating them yourself.

Joint Baron

  • Requirement: BUDS and Avatars
  • Optional Requirement: A Farmer's setup.
  • Play2Earn Mechanism: Convert BUDS into Joints for selling.

The type of Joints you can create is limited by your Avatar level with new types unlocking every 15 levels.

Like Seed Distributors, you can become a Joint Farmer hybrid by being a Farmer that produces BUDS to make Joints while levelling Avatars to unlock better Joint types.

The Markets


With your Hive wallet ready and a role in mind, visit TribalDex to purchase whatever HKWATER, BUDS and/or MOTA you need. Then, visit NFTMart to buy the various NFT's your role requires, purchasable with SWAP.HIVE. Alternatively, you can rent Land/Water Towers through the Hashkings site.

But wait, there's more! As alluded to by the dev team's future plans, it's entirely possible to sidestep the farming aspect of Haskings by focusing on Avatars, exclusively.


In addition to airdrops (based on total Avatar XP), Avatars can be used in Raids to battle Bosses for rewards ranging from Hashkings tokens/NFT's to HIVE or partner tokens.

Avatars gain power through their rarities, stats and total XP which in turn determines your total rewards. Each Avatar also has a usage limit that determines how many battles they can participate in before needing to rest. You can further improve the power of your Avatars by using the Forge to "forge" two Avatars together at the cost of BUDS in increasing quantities.

As mentioned above, Avatars will continue to be incorporated into future game modes like the upcoming Zcolissuem and are already the core component for the Raids boss-battle game. If you're not too keen on the idea of farming, Avatars provide a separate way of participating in the economy without needed to serve in one of it's primary roles.

If you still have questions, Hashkings has a great guide that leads you through all the current game mechanics and economy cycles.

You can also join the Hashkings community by engaging with any of their official social media platforms:

This article was written by @entrepidus as a comission work for ONEUP, edited by @spiritsurge, and proofread by @flauwy.
Our Cartel operator for Hashkings is @oomrniceoo.

What's The Gameplan?

We'll continue to monitor the release of game modes in case one aligns with our plans, but for now @oomrniceoo is collecting the new Zombie Avatars in preparation for the upcoming XP airdrop landing around the release of Zcolissuem. We aren't yet participating in Raids, but that may change in the future.

Our farming strategy is to start as a Seed Farmer by heavily planting on South America, Mexico and Afghanistan Land Plots until we're ready to transition from the longer 5-7 day harvest cycles to faster, more profitable crops. We'll keep you posted on when we're able to make the jump!

In the meantime: Game On!

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