Keto Journal 2021-08-05


The morning weigh-in was at 187.3, which is lower than the previous day.


  • Coffee with cream and MCT oil
  • Handful of Brazil nuts


  • Handful of mixed nuts
  • piece of rotisserie chicken with skin - thigh


  • 2 beers with a friend- not even light beer. probably loaded with carbs
  • cherry tomatoes 5
  • small cheddar
  • queso fresco

At home

  • chicken stir fry
  • keto ice cream
  • celery with cream cheese

My energy was good today considering the previous night's insomnia. I spent the day being productive and a bit more focused on organizing my work. Unrelated to keto, I have been trying to organize my office so that there is not a mess strewn about. I must say that I am almost at the goal. My office is so much cleaner than it has ever been. I am figuring out processes to track work so that it does not fall through the cracks. Perhaps mental clarity has something to do with this. Or, perhaps it is that changing my life in one aspect helps change my life in others. One has to become a different person to become a different person. You can't remain the same and expect different results. I don't have an answer. It is just an observation.

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