A Fix For Global Warming, Chemtrails that purify the air. Hemp derived Jet Fuel (diesel for trucks?)!

Saving the planet one acre/chemtrail at a time. Imagine if you will, an atmospheric herbal cleanse. Investors welcome ;)
Hemp oil contains 10-20% Beta Caryophyllene. (30-60 Gallons/Acre) 1000 acres would equal one transAtlantic Flight
If we use this for Jet fuel there is a 135° reduction of temperature and the Chemtrails will be healthy!
"There are two pieces of good news. One, as we observed in 2012:
Wright-Patterson [Air Force Base] tests had shown that renewable fuels were lowering engine temperatures by 135 degrees, owing to absence of impurities found in conventional fossil fuels. When those impurities burn, Omar Mendoza explained to The Digest. cause high temperatures to radiate throughout the engine, causing an acceleration in metal fatigue. He added that the preliminary data showed that engine parts could last up to 10 times longer, if the new high performance fuels were employed in place of conventional fossil fuels. He said that the tests showed that drop-in renewable fuels had, for the same volume, 7 percent less mass, which lowered the weight of the plane when fully fueled, and made it possible for the jets to fly faster, farther, or carry more payload."
Sources: https://www.aromaweb.com/essential-oils/cannabis-oil.asp
#biodsl #HempDsl
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