Nightly News Broadcast (Full) - April 12, 2019 | NBC Nightly News

Tonight the brand-new threat from President Trump on in-migration the president warning he could bus imprisoned migrants from their own borders and exhausted them in wall street of sanctuary metropolis the proposal reprisal against his political antagonists Democrat shelling it as unworthy of the conference of presidents tornado menace severe storms putting 60 million at risk across a third of the country this weekend al Roker's moving it all hundreds of flights already being canceled months in advance of the busy summertime wander season because of the grounded Boeing 737 max what you need to know now before you volume horror inside the country's largest shopping mall police say a stranger through a five year old boy from the third flooring onto the field below the young victim in research hospitals tonight Cindy McCain speaking out why she says President Trump is mistaken about their own borders wall and how her late partner John McCain would feel about the growing segment in Washington he'd be so upset over this just because of the the tenor the the absence of stagnation on many members components tonight how she's reacting to the fiendish online bullying against her family and safety recall the government bowing to persuade on a popular fisher-price sleeper that's been linked to deaths of more than 30 children and what to do if you have one in your home this is NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt good evening I'm Kate snow in for Lester tonight it is the latest flashpoint in the fight over illegal immigration tonight President Trump says he's strongly considering a contentious plan to send jailed migrants to metropolis that don't enforce federal immigration laws metropolis run by some of his biggest political adversaries tonight top Democrats are smashing it as redres here's White House correspondent Peter Alexander hours after top officials within his administration contended the proposal had been rejected president Trump tonight is still threatening to bus moves imprisoned to the border into sanctuary municipalities I come the illegals they came across the border illegally we'll fetching them to sanctuary metropoli areas and told that specific area take care of it in sanctuary metropolitans local authorities have refused to prosecute undocumented immigrants or entrust them over for removal a plan hugged mostly in democratic the regions that has infuriated the president a lot more parties in their sanctuary municipals well we'll give them more beings we can give them a great deal we can give them an boundless supplying you're always saying they have open arms let's see if they have open arms among the cities the White House considered targeting according to The Washington Post New York Chicago and San Francisco House Speaker Nancy Pelosi home district transmitted precisely another notion that is unworthy of the presidency of the United States and disregard will the challenges that we are confronted with as a country according to the posed to the White House sloped the relevant recommendations at least twice in the last six months as the president was censuring move vans from The countries of central america approaching the US border but overnight administration officials dismissed the report announcing it a suggestion that was moved and accepted and Peters with us now Peter were there concerns even within the administration about the feasibility of this yeah Kate there were a onetime homeland security official tells NBC News that the relevant recommendations was first rejected because it was determined to be quote so illegal but tonight the White House tells us that it is looking for ways to move ahead with this idea lawfully alright Peter Alexander thank you and a scare sending the White House into lockdown today area a male adjusted the skin he was wearing on fire near the barricade argument while President Trump held a meeting within the Secret services says the flames were put out and the three men was taken to the hospital with non-life threatening harms we'll turn now to the threat of hurricanes across much of the country 60 million people under the risk of hazardous hurricanes this weekend al Roker's tracking all of that out why would you attending okay we could be looking at a dangerous brave outbreak this weekend starting with tomorrow 20 million people at threat for some sort of severe brave detriment gusts herald tornadoes and some of those could happen at night twice as likely to campaign fatalities and more common in the southeast and then Sunday twice as many parties 45 million at risk for this dangerous condition and in fact we have checked Palm Sunday eruptions before three of them arising in 600 plus deaths religion attendants like Lehigh so make sure somebody's monitoring those weather alarms and we're looking at heavy rain anywhere from 3 to 6 inches through the south ok ok al thank you very much and tonight it is looking more and more like the grounded Boeing 737 max will have a big impact on the busy summertime cros season NBC's Tom Costello has those detailed information about new 737 maxes continue to roll off the Boeing assembly line with nowhere to go US airlines are doubtful when their maxes will run again Southwest now says it won't schedule the max through August 5th and that will oblige it to nullifies 160 flights a epoch American is canceling 90 flights a daytime through June 5th but says it's also really Nats summer schedule United says it foretells a minimal bang the airline's all waiting for Boeing software fix for the organizations of the system was accused of returning down two passenger planes that killed 346 parties the update will determine the 737 max even safer that software update expected later this month we're taking a extensive punishment approach and taking the time to make sure that we get it right that alone won't get the max moving again today the FAA is consistent with airline pilots about what steps they want to see before the plane is recertified for flight not working a schedule and not working a watch when it's right we'll well known and that's what our fares deserve now professionals recommend regularly checking your time Travel territories in case the airlines change or nullify your flights it's not just people booked on 737 max flights who will be affected as the airline's displacement all over the aircraft anyone could be affected for my own part Southwest Airlines says the limited number of passengers who booked their flights and are already affected by the cancellations are being notified so they can rebook before the summer tour season kicks into high gear Kate okay Tom thank you a horrifying background today at "the worlds largest" shopping mall in the country police say a five year old boy was thrown off a third-story balcony by a stranger NBC's Morgan Chesky has sometime items tonight an iconic tourist stop turned violation place police racing to the Mall of America responding to a mother's nightmare someone just fell from the third floor to the first floor a five-year-old offspring coming three narrations after police say this subject emmanuel de Shon Aranda grabbed then shed him over an inside balcony the child did suffer significant hurts their own children has been transported to the hospital and is currently receiving care witnesses announced it horrific saying the suspect taken away from leading towards to the nearby light rail police not far behind shutting down civilize assistance as police moved in 100% coincide a ronda now faces costs of attempted murder our thoughts and petitions are clearly with that child and his family tonight the sons with his mother at a nearby infirmary Morgan Chesky NBC News as the Monday tax deadline approaches we have a surprising look tonight at how some rich Americans examine the Trump tax reductions they annoyed they're increasing the gap between rich and poor and they think they should be paying more here's Kristen Welker Scott Nash a millionaire with a fondnes for pinball made his fortune improving a grocery chain from an operation that began in his mother's garage in 1987 mom's organic grocery now in five nations it's among the corporations saving billions thanks to the Trump tax trimmeds Nash's corporate taxes practically four hundred thousand dollars little than last year and he says he should be paying more not less it's my obligation as an American to pay my fair pace of taxes Nash is a part of a group of affluent business owners and investors called the patriotic millionaires founded in 2010 when millionaires got a taxation section the middle class compensates the Trump tax reform held a permanent section for high-income earners and corporations to spur employment creation but numerous use those cuts for one-time bonuses and capital buybacks others like chap berkebile who owns guy chemical in rural Pennsylvania say the tax cuts enabled him to buy more equipment and parent some incomes we have laid the groundwork for swelling is not merely today but also in the coming years charging the affluent is likely to be a hot-button concern on the 2020 campaign trail with countless Democrat calling to cancel the Trump tax slasheds that posture supported by 46% of Americans no country is going to have a safe sustainable economy without a strong middle class with the top 1% impounding 90 percent of the prosperity Nash says something has to change to close the growing income breach in America why is it so personal for you I adore the country and I'm grateful have a good life a group that feels it's a patriotic duty to spread the prosperity Kristen Welker NBC News Washington and tonight the three men who helped propel President Trump into the White House has a new campaign this time going against a world leader Pope Francis principal foreign correspondent Richard Engel sat down with Steve Bannon to find out why Pope Francis is a brand-new kind of ruler a humble pastor who reaches out to immigrants homosexuals and Muslims and now the same person who helped appoint President Trump is going after the Pope the administrative apparatus of the church has to be changed that's director Trump's onetime safarus Chairman Steve Bannon now on a brand-new crusade are you feeling self-confident that after you facilitated draw pretty significant political change the United States that you can also impact change now perfectly snowed out bannon's goal is to save the Catholic Church from the Pope who he says is failing to deal with decades of sexual abuse by clergymen my difficulty with the Pope today is about this crisis on pedophilia that "theyre not" giving this as a crisis but commentators say Bannen a Catholic is exploiting the fornication defamation scandal to attack a pope he and a action around him consider too radical if you're against migrants and refugees and you don't think they have any rights in the nations of the world then someone who is reaching out to them that's gonna disrupt you we drove outside Rome where Bannon is rebuilding this splendid convent Bannon plans to build an apartment for himself here and live here part of its first year in this monastery of Bannon ISM he says this will be a school to learn judeo-christian costs to a new generation of patriots populist and Bannon says the Pope is the most powerful opponent to his designs he's incessantly coming back and putting all the faultings in the nations of the world on this populist nationalist push oh maybe he's right maybe the problem perfectly nonsense bannon's goals go far beyond the u.s.

There are people who are gonna see this and think oh no Steve Bannon the person who helped set Trump in the White House now has his visions set on the VATS what you're doing you're trying to generating change this institution demands change this institution is in fall I believe beings will say that so this is just the opening up of this very beginning highly began i know this is gonna make years Richard Engel NBC News room and you can see more of Richards reporting when on assignment with Richard Engel breaths Sunday at Eastern on MSNBC roughly eight several months after the deaths among Senator John McCain his widow Cindy McCain sat down with our Cynthia McFadden and spoke about chairperson Trump's border wall human trafficking and her life now here's the first in our new sequence her do is nepeta Cindy McCain was in New York today taking part in a panel on human trafficking it's also something that is hiding in plain sight it's everywhere it's absolutely everywhere something she in the McCain Institute a working hard to stop it's not an question of immigration at all she was disdainful of President Trump's suggestion that his strip wall would help he's living in Disneyland afterwards we sat down to talk one-on-one about why she cares about the topic and how "shes seeing" the country these days I was in India and I went to go buy sorry material for our youngest daughter who happens to be from Bangladesh and while I was buying it I listened some rumblings coming from below the floorboards and so I was beginning to pay and I ogled down and there's like little slats in the floorboards and I could see a whole lot of little looks ogling up at me she says after she went home she couldn't get the children out of her chief she educated herself about trafficking was soon working to stop it she is of course still mourning the loss of her husband who died last August and this week another anguish my husband's puppy Burma she had a freak accident and she submerge so she's with him now he's throwing sticks to her up there and they're having a great time because she would never leave his back I told your best friend it was a bit like losing him all over again it isn't easy living life in public people can be viciou mm-hmm you merely reposted a affix virtually what they're saying is well glad your husband's dead and we wish your daughter would die yeah I is not merely offended I was damn mad about it and so I and I thought well such person or persons their family needs to know what they do and I just think it's time that we step back and start practising civility in all facets of life and this is one of them my husband and I were fair game but when you take on the younger kids it's not fair and that's what happens what would her husband think of the absence of civility in Washington right now he'd be so upset over this just because of the the tenor the the absence of inactivity on many members parts and on speaking specifically states members of Congress he would have been right in the neck saying no we're gonna work together we're gonna fit please let's not crusade what's you know that was who he was not that he didn't like the good fellow he left a good fighting heck yeah but he had settled it was never personal with him he and Ted Kennedy used to fight like cats and pups on the floor but they were the most wonderful of friends I care we could go back to that can we go back to that I have to believe in this country that merely pendulum is gonna swaying back to a hub pitch are you still a Republican I am I'll ever be a Republican I you know I exactly don't agree with countless parts of my party right now at all yes I'm frustrated like everybody I'm yes I you know I get angry sometimes but she tells us that rage pales next to the joy of a long life with John McCain what do you miss most I miss talking to John a lot I miss his jokes I miss laughter I miss that very much it's a personal and and glorious exchange with her yeah it was great to be with her she's just the first of a whole series of wide-ranging variety of women we're gonna talk to over the next several months in this her take succession I'm really excited we'll see a lot of women and how they picture the nations of the world in themselves I'm agitated to see it too Thank You Cynthia McFadden still ahead tonight the security reminisce simply declared of one of the more popular babe sleepers likewise the would be required for fasted how 5g is in accordance with revolutionize your wireless service up next tonight the divulging news on a potential threat we reported on earlier this week late today a withdraw was announced on the popular fisher-price Rock and play sleeper linked to deaths of more than 30 babes Kristen Dahlgren has the most recent developments tonight mothers counselled to stop using the fisher-price rock-and-roll and play video games sleeper immediately the Consumer Product Safety Commission advise babes have died after flattening over in the sleeper this is really the right decision to keep shoppers safe the move comes just days after a Consumer Reports investigation found at least 32 fatalities connected with the incline sleeper at the time the CPSC said it didn't have enough to involve a recall tonight Evan and Keenan Overton who lost their five month-old esra in his Rock and play praised the recall the silver lining was just hearing that the withdraw was actually happening and that no one else "re going to have to" suffer from their newborn behind in this thing the CPSC says fisher-price willingly fast-tracked the recall tonight the company said refuge is its priority and it stands by its produces condemning fatalities on the sleeper being used improperly patrons can contact the company for a indemnity four detail seven million sleepers have been sold here in the US and tonight countless parents sleeping easier knowing a potentially dangerous concoction is off world markets Kristen Dahlgren NBC News New York coming up these new technologies that's about to change the acces you live if you haven't heard about 5g get ready for a faster internet connection it got a big approach by the White House today just how will it alter the style we live here's Miguel Almaguer so it's all about 5g now the announcement from the White House could impact your house in the near future the twenty trillion dollars money to facilitate wireless firms move quickly into 5g up to 20 terms faster than the 4G the majority of members of us use now 5 G's lightning rapid engineering will accelerate and interconnect everything from the apps on your telephone to the cars that drive themselves downloading a high-def movie is now going from instants to seconds but it comes at an estimated cost 5g is going to know where you are what you're doing what your garbs are and so together with the amenity comes an incredible trade-off with privacy the 5g system needs a network of transmitting gear every vicinity will need a host of new feelers precisely to prepare the system production already widely in place in countries such as South Korea the u.s.

May be dependent on rival China for the new technology 5g expected to be in your home by the end of this year Miguel Almaguer NBC News up next exhilarating America with a reading in how to treat one another ultimately tonight this is World Autism Month and one California elementary school class got a powerful instruction thanks to a son who's inspiring America we're always Lisa Moe's fourth graders we're working on a project about autism awareness when eleven-year-old rumari's allas asked her a question he saw this perplex article he said that's me can I say something turns out this little kid was about to teach a big lesson yes I like the bulletin and I have autism he described what it's like to have autism asking his classmates for understanding even making questions rumari's mommy used to worry about her lad fitting in will he be bullied will he make friends now she hopes this video commits others a peek into what she previously knows about him he's so unapologetically proud to be who he is and I think that that speaks publications I literally felt so self-confident I didn't felt nervous at all I felt me I felt me a surprise demo we tell and an education for every one of us Romario told us he really loves grips that is NBC Nightly News for this Friday get hug someone I'm Kate snow for all of us at NBC News thanks for watching have a great night hey NBC News witness thanks for checking out our YouTube channel subscribe by clicking on that button down here and click on any of the videos over here to watch the latest interrogations present spotlights and digital exclusives thanks for watching

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