According to scientific research, water plays an important role in our life, especially our health. It does not contain any chemicals (0 fats, 0 sugar, 0 calories), costs less money, and it is easy to find out anywhere in this global.
We often see a sologan that: "Up to 70% of the human body is Water". Yup, our body needs water for organs, cells and brain maintaining all living activities.
Let's talk about the benefits water offers.
1. Weight loss
Drinking 1 cup of fresh water can reduce 200 calories in your daily meal. It promotes fat content tranfromation process easily and supports to conduct metablism process of our body.
2. Improving our memories, reducing stress
Because our brain is mostly made of water. Lacking of water causes a bad affect on memory and make us feel anxious as well so in order to control emotion properly, you should supply enough amount of water for your body.
3. Supplying moisture for our skin
Drinking 8 cups of water per day helps our skin smoothly and enhances its resiliency. This is also an anti-aging treatmeant which we cannot find anything to replace.
4. Helping in kidneys operation.
Water eliminates toxics from your kidneys by supporting kidneys' function. To operate well, 2 kidneys need an amount of fresh water rather than supplying different kind of water such as beer, fizzy drinks or milk. Water is always the best choice for health.