Water is an essential element in our survival. But drinking excessive water can be a serious danger!
In the words, 'Water is life'. Water is an essential element in our survival. As there is a lot of problems in the body such as playing less water, drinking excessive water can be a serious danger! Let's know what problems can arise in the body by drinking excessive water.
• According to experts, our kidneys can not filter more than 1 liter of water per hour. So, drinking more than 1 liter of water per hour, we have more pressure on our kidneys. One side effect may appear, side effects, problems.
• There is a decrease in the level of electrolyte in the body due to excessive amount of water. As a result, muscle contraction or stress.
• 80 percent of the amount of water we eat (through the process of osmosis) is less The rest of the water mixes the blood in the blood But the amount of water in the blood increases by playing additional water. It also leads to heart disease.
• Drinking excessive amount of water reduces sodium levels in the blood. In medical science it is known as hypocalemia. Allergic reactions to this illness can be due to vomiting, abdominal problems, even paralysis.