Doctors Kill More Babies Than Guns.


Doctors kill more people than guns in the U.S.A., not to mention the mass
murder committed daily by the F.D.A., and now the government wants to
force us all to go get shot, by the doctors, not the guns, not yet anyway.

It's an American Holocaust. Don't believe me, look at the numbers.

Check out the subject of 'iatrogenic death' or death by doctor.

Dr. John Bergman discusses the dangers of vaccines, the government's
attempt to outlaw free speech about this subject, and how the vaccines
actually cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent, among many
other things.

He addresses the irrational religion of pro-vaccination, the fraudulent
story that vaccines wiped out polio and smallpox. We have been lied to on
an incredible scale, but the lies are demonstrable and comprehensible by
most. Please think before accepting the pro-vaccine propaganda as truth,
it is not truth. The governments are now trying to mandate the provable
premeditated murder of a segment of the population under the guise of
their protection. This must be stopped.

Exposing the Truth about Vaccines


"Viennese journalist Jane Burgermeister filed documents with the Vienna
prosecutor’s office on April 8th, 2009 accusing vaccine producer Baxter AG,
its US parent, Baxter International, and Avir Green Hills Biotechnology of
intentionally contaminating a 72-kilogram shipment of conventional flu
vaccine with live H5N1 (bird flu) virus."

Her part of the interview, she delivers in English, starting at 2:48


If you have been a victim of the government and medical industry's
attempts to murder the People, there may be the possibility of mitigation
of harm. Detox can be dangerous, inform yourself before you start.

Dr Dan Pompa on 'Vaccines Revealed'


Dr. Thomas Cowan on vaccines, ultrasound, and more.
The interview starts at about 12:00


This is war.

This is public notice to those promoting mandatory vaccination.
If you come at me with your mandates and needles, you are taking your life
in your hands. I will defend myself by all means possible, regardless of the
outcome for you.

Come at me if you dare, you authoritarian pieces of garbage.

Keep your laws off my body, and I'll keep my self defense off of yours.

None of this is to be construed as medical advice.

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