Nature's Gift - 9 health benefits of lemon

Nature's Gift


Getting back to one of nature's gifts to us: lemon.

Yes, yes, I do need to drink water haha. Also, since I've reduced my coffee intake again, I do need to replace the fluids lost from not drinking as much coffee. Remember; an americano is just stained water πŸ˜‚

I've started adding freshly squeezed lemon to the water too. Apart from improving the taste, from my point of view, it's also immune system boosting. I got this idea to carry a small bottle of freshly squeezed lemon juice to add to water when I'm out and about. I don't know why I never thought of that before.

Hey, if I can carry freshly squeezed lemon, what's stopping me from carrying freshly squeezed anything else? Orange? Grapefruit? A combination of the aforementioned? A fruit cocktail of sorts haha.

It may be better switching to limes and carrying actual limes with me. The downside of that is I'd have to also carry a small knife to cut the lime, and I'd have to use the entire lime in one go, otherwise I'd need to carry some way of storing the lime too. That's getting a bit complex and messy. Bad idea.

9 benefits of lemon/lime


It's probably common knowledge now that limes and lemons are good for you. Most cultures of the world that have lemons or limes use them for medicinal reasons, in addition to eating them.
Here are at least nine of the health benefits of lime/lemon.

  1. Vitamin C Content: Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that supports the immune system, helps in collagen formation for healthy skin, and aids in the absorption of iron from plant-based foods. So they have direct and indirect benefits as you can see. For me, the immune system boost is the most important, especially in winter.

  2. Digestive Health: The acidity in lemons may promote digestive health. Drinking warm lemon water in the morning can stimulate the production of digestive juices and may help with constipation. In fact I used to drink a mix of lemon and vinegar in the morning and that did wonders for my belly fat haha.

  3. Hydration: Adding lemon to water can enhance its flavour, encouraging people to drink more water. Staying adequately hydrated is crucial for overall health. As I am not getting enough intake, having given up some of my coffee portions, this is crucial.

  4. Weight Management: Some studies suggest that the polyphenol compounds in lemons, such as flavonoids, may have potential benefits for weight management. Additionally, the fibre in lemons can contribute to feelings of fullness. You'd have to eat the entire lemon to get this benefit so that's not one you get from squeezed juice. I used to eat the entire lemon back in the day, but not these days. I eat oranges and satsumas though.

  5. Skin Health: The antioxidants in lemons, particularly vitamin C, can contribute to healthier skin by combating free radicals and supporting collagen production. So for you age conscious folks out there, eating lemons can contribute to protecting your from skin damage due to free radicals 😎

  6. Heart Health: The high levels of vitamin C and other antioxidants in lemons may have cardiovascular benefits by reducing inflammation and improving blood vessel function. Basically every benefit of vitamin C can also be added here.

  7. Kidney Stone Prevention: Lemon juice may help prevent the formation of kidney stones. The citric acid in lemons may increase urine volume and citrate levels, potentially reducing the risk of certain types of kidney stones. Prevention is better than cure, as always.

  8. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: The antioxidants in lemons may help reduce inflammation in the body, which is associated with various chronic diseases. I've come to learn that inflammation is one of our worst enemies. It's one of those things in nature that is a victim of its own success. The inflammation response is actually a defence mechanism in the body but too much of a good thing, as usual, can be very bad.

  9. Alkalising Properties: Despite being acidic in nature, lemons have an alkalising effect on the body. Some proponents of alkaline diets believe that maintaining a slightly alkaline environment in the body can have health benefits. I'm not an expert in this, and I don't know how true it is, but I've read it somewhere. πŸ€”

I'm quite sure that too much lemon is probably a bad thing though. Like most things, everything in moderation is key. πŸ‹

Peace & Love,


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