Mindful Moment of the Day from Headspace.com

I'm a subscriber to Headspace.com and they send me Mindful Moments everyday. Today's message really hit home and I thought that I would share it. I really like Headspace meditations and guidance.

"Some people who have nothing are happy, some people who have everything are unhappy. True wealth is our perspective and the condition of our mind."

This message came to me right after I had a long conversation with my wife about our poor financial condition and coming to the conclusion that we need to spend less and save more. The whole financial worry and striving to always get more is a big burden and can be overwhelming. I have definitely known people who had everything and were unhappy and known people who had nothing and were happy. It truly is a state of mind and one thing does not lead to another. I also realize that wealth is much more than money. It is quality of life, attitude, relationships and joie de vivre.

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