How to Build Healthy Habits


The desire to become better is the right step in the right direction and like every journey,
becoming better starts with a step and not a thought. Desiring growth or thinking of how
much better your life could be is not enough. Words without action are just words.
For you to become the best version of yourself, you have to do more and talk less. So the
very first thing we should think about is the amount of action we are willing to take in order
to be better.

Get set, ready, go!
A friend of mine wanted to know how she could overcome procrastination. I knew she really
wanted to stop being the queen of procrastination, she was passionate about wanting to
become better but she just didn’t know how to start. She was waiting for a sign, for a tree to
be divided by lighting or for a bottle to fall from the sky. Unfortunately, none of these
happened. When I asked her why she always procrastinated, her answer was that she just
didn’t know how to stop.
Procrastinating isn’t doing nothing, it is doing something. It’s an ACT of shifting today’s
challenges to a tomorrow you aren’t certain. Instead of doing nothing by doing something,
do something for something. Instead of waiting for when you feel like it or waiting for the
right time, just start. There may never be a right time and you may never feel like it.

Baby steps
A child doesn’t learn how to walk in one day, maybe in a sci-fi but definitely not in real life.
Just like a baby, you have to start slowly, a day at a time and soon you will become Usain

Commitment is key
Overtime I have come to understand that a commitment man is an unstoppable man.
Commitment that make an average man outshine a talented man. Since you are already
committed to procrastination, why not channel that energy into something else. On this
journey, you may take a couple of steps back or in the wrong direction but it changes
nothings. Falling down isn’t the end, choosing to remain down is the end.

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