The MOBA series 🎮Get.Set.GAME 🎮 Team Release! LEAGUE OF LEGENDS (LOL) Introduction and Basics! Dont MISS this episodes INSIDER tips and trix! Slicing through EMENIES


This Weeks GAMER SPOTLIGHT: League Of Legends aka LOL

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Ingame costs: Available but not necessary (no ads etc)

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Introductions and BASICS

So, you took the tips from the HotS game and are now killing it?  Getting Bored?


Wanna Kick it UP another NOTCH?  Awesome, me too!  League of Legends is a great next step.  As you see below, the map is very very similar. You team with 4 other people and fight to conquer the enemies "lanes" and ultimately their home base.  There is one awesome (in my opinion) change which is there are no special events.  It is you and the team vs the enemy team and troops. There are 2 other critical differences which will be discussed below. 

"Last Hitting" and the SHOP

Thats right, you are able to purchase items and hold an inventory in LOL!  This is where the game becomes much more difficult, but exciting.  As any gamer knows, ITEMS make the world go round... Without them a game would cease to be a game.  Even more important that the shop and buying items is the concept introduced called "last hitting."  What this means is waiting and hitting creeps last, dealing the death strike.  This is CRITICAL in LOL!  More so than almost anything else.   When you last hit a creep, you receive 20-22+ gold.  This adds up and ultimately changes the course of the game!

TODAYS GAMEPLAY: Yasuo! The Samurai of the WIND!

Now, Let me tell you! This was my first time playing this hero,  and he was a blast!  One of my favorites actually.  While he is extremely tough to play, he can become a powerhouse!  As you will see in the game play below I got somewhat lucky and had a huge teammate, who basically ensured our victory.  All the same, I was able to end with a score of 5-4  (going down 1-4 before going 4-0 late game)

This hero is a hell of a whirlwind.  His abilities are ones that take precise aim, and often require them to be combo-ed together in order to fully utilize.  For example his ultimate can only hit those who are in the air,  but his first ability once charged does exactly that.  Lifts the enemy into the air opening them up for the ULT!  There wil be many more of these for YASUO as I may have just found my favorite hero! Thanks for watching, and ENJOY the GAMEPLAY BELOW! <3


Insider Gamer Tip Time!

  • ALWAYS LAST HIT! Even if it means taking a hit from an enemy hero, get that creep kill.  The gold adds up fast! and can change the game in or against your favor. (Of course dont go get killed or take a huge chunk of health for one creep kill.  Survival is always first.)
  • Never rush into a battle! Always try and weigh the pros and cons.  What do you and your team have to lose by you chasing down one kill at the risk of your own life? Should you take a couple tower hits to get a kill? Ask yourself the hard questions in the heat of the moment is going to greatly improve your gamer experience.
  • Use the map to your advantage, whatever that may be! There is grass, and certain areas where sight is better.  USE IT!


  • Bring the gaming experience straight to you.  Whether its practice/tips/tricks/techniques/ or strategies, we will be bringing it!
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  • Extensive in depth game wisdom, and life wisdom
  • A community for people to unite via gaming, and grow friendships/network


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