Inside The Government - Surveillance


Hello readers, welcome to yet another publication from me termed "Inside The Government". Different countries are faced with the challenges of their government snooping and bridging her citizens privacy through under handed methods of surveillance. Yes! in my country, way back in the year 2014, The Nigerian government as at that period intended to introduce total surveillance of her citizens through the importation of snooping technology that are readily found in some countries over seas namely; US, Netherlands, UK and Israel.

The government intended to equip it security forces with millions of surveillance/spy software in other to snoop on over 57 million internet users as at the year 2014 and over 120 million active mobile-phone subscribers.
This was a serious threat to the fundamental human rights of the citizens in Nigeria. The government as at the year 2014 was justifying the idea of introducing mass surveillance on her citizen due to the fact that there was insecurity and threats of terrorism in the country.


The only saving grace we had then was the Nigeria civil society and press, they went out of their way to condemn the act of the government surveillance on it masses and pushed for the awareness of the fundamental human rights be respected. The country's judicial framework does not in anyway cover for the deployment of surveillance technology by the government and this has been a burden up till today.

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Going through Stegos platform, i have seen and understood the numerous benefits it offers every persons in the world and how it can be utilized by the citizens of Nigeria to prevent and reject surveillance from the government and how we can with Stegos embrace freedom.

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Authors Detail
Name: Michael Elijah

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