WISDOM Reflections

In life we have to face difficult situations that require us to make decisions that may or may not favor our mental, emotional or physical peace and that can mark us for a short time or drag the consequences for life.

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Reflect and fill us with WISDOM.....

It is normal that when faced with a situation of extreme danger, our first reaction is not even close to the limits of safety or act with caution, but in the most spontaneous way possible our brain induces an immediate response without much meditation.

However, when there is the possibility of thinking about what is more convenient to solve and end any problematic situation, then we will take the prudent time to reflect and give an answer based on the wisdom obtained from our own experience or from other people's experiences in similar cases, also invoking the divine intervention of the Angels that stay in our environment.

Emotions are unique and inherent feelings to each person and there are so many different situations and responses that everyone can give at a given time, being anger the most irrational and quickest that can be released in a stressful situation, but there is also the mediation or sensible conversation to reconcile some agreement to end a conflict that does not lead to major problems.

In various websites we will find wise readings that can guide us to act intelligently. For example, mediation in cases of family disagreements, or conciliation between the parties before going to the judge, could alleviate the emotional burdens and neutralize the additional problems that will be added as time goes by and the initial conflict has not been resolved.

In my particular case, I have the urgent need to request the divine intervention of the Archangel Gabriel to guide with wisdom any action and decision before any conflictive situation, auguring with strength our triumph in the face of adversity.

La reflexión es personalísima y depende de la capacidad de reaccionar inteligentemente ante situaciones diversas, aplicando nuestros conocimientos y los saberes aprendidos desde nuestro entorno para tratar de llevar hasta un puerto seguro a nuestro barco cargado de vicisitudes, pero que serán superados con sabiduría y ayuda divina.

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