I came down the stairwell of a parking garage when I noticed this little pebble, painted yellow, resting on the fire alarm.
The pebble had some obscure writing on the back. Apparently it came from the river Rhine?! Although I'm not really sure if that's really what those words meant.
I love it when people hide strange quirky little surprises in public areas. And it's even better when we can turn that into a little collaboration.
I added a googlyeye to give it a bit more personality and put it back where I found it. May it bring a smile to the next one passing by with curious eyes.
P.S.: So after posting the images late last night I googled the words on the back this morning. Could have thought of that earlier. "Rheinsteine" appears to be some sort of movement where people paint pebbles and put them in random places for others to find. I think the finders are actually supposed to post some images on social media?! I don't have a facebook account or anything alike, deleted all that years ago, so they'd have to come and find it here on steem.
my name is @fraenk
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