Google search the questions that arise Has been made more

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Think of people unknown to try to know,curiosity civilization from the beginning.everyday people in many ways, trying to unknown the know.And the present technology in the world welfare in the information store turned Popular Search Engine there is a Google.So people are now many questions find answer to Google.Recently Google has released the world's largest How to .... ' that is, 'how ...' find has been there,list of 10 such the subject.But do not delay anymore Let's know the world's largest Google searches for 10 'How to ...'

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১. how to tie a tie (কিভাবে টাই বাঁধতে হয়)

২. how to kiss (কিভাবে চুমু দিতে হয়)😍

৩. how to get pregnant (কিভাবে গর্ভবতী হওয়া যায়)😊

৪. how to lose weight (কিভাবে ওজন কমানো যায়)

৫. how to draw (কিভাবে আঁকা যায়)

৬. how to make money (কিভাবে অর্থ উপার্জন করা যায়)

৭. how to make pancakes (কিভাবে প্যানকেক বানাতে হয়)

৮. how to write a cover letter (কিভাবে কভার লেটার লিখতে হয়)

৯. how to make french toast (কিভাবে ফ্রেঞ্চ টোস্ট বানাতে হয়)

১০. how to lose belly fat (কিভাবে পেটের মেদ কমানো যায়)
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Google's Data Editor Simon Rogers said, recently we have noticed that, Googles 'How to ...' seeking questions since 2004 currently, more than 140 percent has increased.And in between most of the things solve related questions Such as light, Windows, washing machine from the even the toilet until there is.

But I am not search thia is 😁

Thank you

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