4 mistakes to avoid in goal setting

Goal setting is an important discipline. Successful companies, high achievers and people who live their dream all have this in common. They have goals. They set goals and reach their goals.

But setting goals can be tricky. Setting goals does not in and of itself guarantee you will achieve them.

Below are four mistakes to avoid when setting your goals:

Setting Goals That Are Too Small

We all like the comfort zone. But the comfort zone is the mediocrity zone. Our goals should not be so small that they do not challenge us. They need to be big enough to challenge us, inspire us and motivate us. We need to be stretched, and any worthwhile goal will do that. Bigger goals draw out the untapped creativity, potential and resources within us that we never knew we had.

Setting Goals That Are Too Big

While we need to set big goals, we need to be realistic. Setting goals that are not realistic in their scope, timeframe and available resources are a mistake. What happens often is we get excited, want a challenge and set a goal that is huge! But too huge! Then, as we realize we can't do it, we get depressed, feel like a failure and lose heart. All because we set ourselves up for failure in the first place. Set big inspiring and challenging goals. But set goals that are reachable.

If you have a big goal, it is better to break it down into smaller goals.

Not Setting Specific Goals

Goals need to be specific. We can't be vague and general. If we are not clear about what we are after, then we won't know how to get it. We won't even know when we have got it, because we have not stated a specific and clear picture of what the achievement of that goal looks like.

For instance, instead of saying, 'I want to get in shape', say 'I want to lose 5 kg in three months'. There you have a specific measurement to measure your goal by.

Not Scheduling Goals

Goals need deadlines. Deadlines put the appropriate amount of pressure on us to get us moving into action. If we don't schedule deadlines, then we will have no motivation to act upon our goals.

Not only do deadlines need to be scheduled, but so do the appropriate actions that are needed to be done in order to achieve the goals.

Back to the weight loss analogy. There is a clear deadline (3 months). Now there needs to be scheduled activity, such as dieting, exercising and sleeping early.

So there you have it, avoid these four mistakes when you set your goals, and you will not only set goals, but achieve them as well!

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