My thoughts on: Return of BTC contracts on 31 Oct?!

This is part two of the ongoing My thoughts on: series

It was only a few days that Genesis Mining announced on the Twitter page BTC contracts will be returning in "Weeks!", which I expressed my thoughts of yesterday. It finally appeared on their Genesis Mining Pricing website with BTC contacts are back 😅 But in a form of Pre-orders 😐 and mining for these contracts will only start at 31st October 😤

I find it pretty ridiculous that contracts bought will only start mining ~2 months later
I get it that it's meant as a pre-order. But BTC out of stock for 3 months, Genesis Mining, you better not increase the price. Please stop testing the patience and trust of [us](, your loyal customers any further, right after you recovered to returning daily payouts, as stated in our contracts. This really fuels the toxic FUD, which are already spreading faster than the Flood on High Charity in Halo 2

Stay tuned to my ongoing "My thoughts on:" series

Part one: My thoughts on: BTC contracts returning in "Weeks!" Finally a timeframe :)
Part two: My thoughts on: Return of BTC contracts on 31 Oct?!

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