You know what’s more societally programmed than women wanting male provisioning and being a nurturing mother?


…Women thinking they need to be men. You’ll find no bigger mental societal programming by almost any other movement.

Women who embrace their feminine nurture characteristics are fulfilling their biological role, not some societal/environmental projected role.

On the flip side, there is no larger societal programming than encouraging women to ignore their biological genes and drive, and strive to compete with men. Historically women never needed to compete with men nor tried to act like men. It’s never been a biological drive to become a man.

The real societal deviation away from nature is when women are told to give up their nurture roles to compete in the corporate marketplace with men and to become like those men. That is 100% societal influence, not biology.

Biology gives women different traits and genes and characteristics than men for a reason. The societal push comes from those trying to ignore these very real and important differences.

It’s okay for a man to be a man, and for a woman to be a woman. You can’t change biology of male and females in a matter of decades. That’s not how evolution and adaptation works. Those who deny this are simply lying to themselves about the reality.

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