Endless Game - No Man' Sky - Combat play footage posted

Forever Game

If you are into games that have a lot of content you can look no further than No Man's Sky. No Man's genius is that its universe is generated procedurally. This allows for an ever changing, ever growing game. The scale of the game is amazing too. When are down on a planet that planet is planet sized in the game. You could spend forever roving just the first world that you start on.

Newly Released Foot

Recently the maker's of No Man's Sky released long awaited footage for combat play. Will this turn out to not only be a great environment but have great game play? You can start to judge for yourself

Definite Potential

I think from watching that segment that is is very possibly going to have good combat. You have various ways of leveling up and managing your ship. Though one question seems to remain about its release date which was pushed back amid legal issues along with production delays. Those happen from time to time at various companies and sometimes they still pull off a good game.

I have attached another video that has a pretty good comentary on the fight part of the game...

You Chime In

Steemit is a great venue for discussion so please let me know what you think about what you saw. Are you encouraged by it or are you thinking the game has problems? I think it has potential. Also you might want to mentioned if you pre-ordered it.

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