Most played shooting game - CG GO

Counter Strike: Global Offensive (or simply CS: GO) is a first-person shooter action video game. Fourth installment of the Valve saga, CSGO repeats the usual approach: two teams, terrorists and anti-terrorists, fighting each other to achieve goals such as planting / deactivating a bomb. This is the most popular multiplayer FPS among eSports and has dedicated servers as well as customized games where you can enjoy up to six game modes.

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Although it is possible to play Counter Strike with bots offline, the most popular aspect of the game is its multiplayer over the internet. Throughout five game modes (competitive, casual, deathmatch, armament race and demolition) the avatars of the players can acquire realistic weapons and equipment with virtual money during a game, and lose them when they die. The gameplay of Counter Strike: Global Offensive has made it a favorite of many players, particularly in the PC community. It is also available on Mac, Linux, and the Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles. CSGO is a true Top in the world of eSports games.

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