Here are the results for the CREATIVE BLOCK Amikdakuji.
First and foremost, a big CONGRATULATIONS to this week’s sole winner, @darkerhorse, who won a jackpot of 12.982 SBD and 8.404 Steem!
For all other contestants, your creative prompts are listed below. Hopefully, they will lead you to some fun projects and some great content. Of course, if you don’t feel inspired by the Creative Prompt your line has led you too, you are in no way obligated to use that prompt.
There are nine prompts listed below. Feel free to peruse them and use any one that seems interesting to you whenever you feel like you are in need of some extra inspiration. Please share any posts that are born from these creative prompts by linking to them here in the comments below. Thank you!
@liliana.duarte and @nin0000 both chose line 3, which led to Creative Prompt A.
A. Write down ten words. Choose the one word on your list that calls out to you the most. Google images of that word. Do a five minute free write on the first image of your search. Or, if you are not a writer, use that image/part of it in some way, or alter it/part of it in some way to create a new image.
@ambaekure chose line 7, which led to Creative Prompt B.
B. Complete one of these sentences and then do a five-minute free write that begins with it. Or, use the sentence to draw a picture, take a picture, or inspire a work of art.
1: It was just another … until …
2: There was a flash of (color) and then …
3: “I thought I told you … !”
4: If it weren’t for … / If it hadn’t have been for …
@alvinfang and @blackswith12 both chose line 1, which led to Creative Prompt C.
C. Scribble on a piece of paper. Look at what you have just scribbled, try to find a shape in it and turn it into a picture or a painting. If you are not an artist, describe what you see. How do the lines feel? What does the shape remind you of? Can you find a feeling, a memory, a story, or a poem in it? If so, write that feeling, memory, story, or poem.
@rkrijgsman chose line 2, which led to Creative Prompt D.
D. Speed write or draw. Set a timer for one minute and fill a page with writing or a drawing in that time.
@musingsltd and @fynesttrish chose line 4, which led to Creative Prompt E.
E. Write down ten words. When you have your list of ten words, write a ten line story or poem where the first sentence or line uses the first word on your list, the second sentence or line uses the second word on your list, and so on. If you’re not a writer, draw a painting or make a work of art that incorporates the ten words you have written.
F. Write a list of five or more topics that come to mind. Cut up your list and put the topics in a bowl, hat, or bucket. Pull out one topic and make a list about it. It can be a “Top Ten List”, a “Bucket List”, a “To Do” list, or any other kind of list.
@lennstar and @pbock both chose line 10, which led to Creative Block G.