#Galactic-Milieu: probably not fodder for Venture Capital...


I have been looking around on the HIVE platform trying to figure out how best to integrate it into the #Galactic-Milieu.

One obvious idea that jumped out at me of course was the high rate of interest currently being paid on #HDB (Hive-Backed Dollars) committed into savings.

Finding reliable sources of interest earnings has always been a major part of my vision for the #Galactic-Milieu, but that interest mostly led to a lot of disappointments.

For example so-called "High Yield Investment Programmes" (HYIPs) looked like a wonderful idea back in the day, until I figured out they were all nothing but ponzi schemes.

The original impetus for the search was the idea of being able to discourage "griefers" by making players have "skin in the game" which they could lose by "griefing".

I didn't want to just lock up a bunch of player resources, assets or funds though, I wanted their skin in the game to be earning in the background, so that when or if they eventually left they would be taking with them more than they put in.

Thus the search for reliable ways of earning interest.

Seeing the current (as I write this) 20% per year interest rate on #HBD savings has at least partly revived those ideas.

However, I just read this article about putting funds into #HBD savings.

Basically it points out that there is loss involved in trying to get "outside" funds into #HBD, such as for example to go from fiat to #HBD you apparently have to go via #BiTCoin - #BTC; in their example you lose something like 5% just getting your funds into the intended #HBD savings account.

Even if I am not so much focussed lately on the use of "skin in the game" to discouraging griefers, I still definitely want the game to have plenty of income sources going on "in the background" in order to maximise its ability to provide players with earnings. I have never been fond of a zero-sum-game model in which players' earnings basically come from other players, so that some players have to take losses in order for some to have gains. Rather, ideally the game should be able to cover its expenses and provide earnings to players not by directly taking from players but, rather, by careful use of what funds it does elicit from players.

I see a lot of projects launch with venture capital backing, able to pay out to players for a while, but ultimately losing value over time, their tokens forever dropping in price and so on. A great way to leech off of venture capitalists no doubt but not at all a model I want to emulate.

Basically the #Galactic-Milieu is not aimed at venture capital at all really; if we did experience an influx of millions or tens or hundreds of millions of dollars we would want reliable vehicles for putting that capital to work to earn, both to pay the bills and to provide earnings to players.

#HBD savings do seem like a good avenue to try, but the mentioned losses involved in importing funds to try it are not encouraging. Therefore it seems reasonable to try to sell #Galactic-Milieu assets directly for #HIVE and/or #HBD.

While I look into putting together some specific price-lists, I here solicit offers from the #HIVE community; anything you might be interested in getting a deal on in the #Galactic-Milieu? Let me know! :)

Heck even just upvotes and re-blogs would help :)


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