I See A Lot Of My Old Pals Are Gone

Who are the funny fuckers on here now? I will scroll through the funny tag I guess. Hopefully, it isn't just a bunch of regurgitated memes still.

I suppose it's the bear market that's to blame for the lack of interaction and attendance but I think as people start using these chains as more of a fun, creative way to express yourself without having to worry about your data or identity getting stolen and sold to the highest bidder, we will see a big resurgence in people getting away from what people believe is connection. I was on Facebook from 2007 until 2014 and I can't recall meeting new people on there and forming a connection. I met people all over and talked with them there because it was easy but I don't think I ever bonded with somebody that I met on Facebook.

Seven years.

Between Steemit and Whaleshares I was able to meet and befriend dozens of people while having my mind opened to the possibilities of crypto. I have started several projects that I feel have value and I have never been happier with my creativity levels. Well, maybe when I started my original blog back in 2011. That was pretty fucking fun. That's where all of these photos came from.

So that's my take on shit. It's nice to see that there are still some people that are here for the right reasons and not just because prices are great. Those are the folks that are going to shine when the prices do go up, and eventually, they have to, right? Well, I guess they don't have to go up but you need to have a little faith in something and so far God hasn't been showing up for humanity. Maybe crypto can fill the needs of the people better than prayers and warm regards.

Talk to you all later.

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