Friendship or Romance?

Hy there,its your nikki @sirmartinet,i should take this time out to welcome you back to my blog, sorry i blacked out after the introductory speech,to make up for the miss,i will be glad to introduce to you my first bliss for the week,i will be taking you on life's sojourn throughout teenage to #happily ever after, you know what that means,it intends to be in a form of series,for today,we will talk on

Friendship or Romance?​—What Signals Am I Receiving?

Please at this point,i should bring to your notice that this series is a compilation of researches from so many works and will be quoted as deemed fit.

FRIENDS! We all have them,at school,at work ,at home, at the gim, members pertaining to both or opposite sex,we keep them as friends,either young or old,but what about intimate friends, friends with benefits? YES! Thats the focus of our discussion.
Imagine the scenario..
You really like this person of the opposite sex, and you’re sure that the feeling is mutual. After all, you text each other all the time, you pair off at gatherings . . . , and some of the messages you’ve received from this person are downright flirtatious.
So you decide to ask where the relationship is going, just to be sure you’re both on the same page. The reply? “I view you as just a friend​—nothing more.”

What? That reply alone hurts like a stab i guess,now the question is, if it where you, how will you feel?

Explaining why it happens,the book,young people ask explains that texting and social media makes it easy to develop emotional attachment to members of the opposite sex who in real sense have nothing in mind.
That realy explains why it hurts when people turn your " gifts of emotion" down
The truth remains that “Someone could text you just to kill time, but you might take it as a sign of interest. And if he texts you every day, then you mistakenly feel that you’re really special to him.”


The bottom line is this: Dont mistake attention for affection

But wait a minute,you know its only natural to feel the way you do,but how do you really know if its "friendship or romance?" And suppose you are in this delema in your private life,what can you do?

First, Be objective. Take a step back and analyze the relationship. Ask yourself, ‘Do I have solid reasons for thinking that this person is treating me differently from others?’ Don’t let your emotions hijack your “power of reason.”​—free advice:
Picture source:facebook

Second, Be discerning. Don’t assume that just because you feel a certain way about someone, the feeling is mutual (both sides) the person may not feel the same way

Third, Be patient.
Until the person says explicitly that he or she wants to get to know you in a romantic way, don’t invest more in the relationship than you can afford to lose.

Fourth, Be honest. If you want to find out whether someone views you as more than just a friend, talk it out with the person. “If the feelings aren’t mutual,” says a young woman named Valerie, “it’s better to be a little hurt now than to go on for months before realizing that this person wasn’t interested in the first place.”
Dear friends,safeguard your heart

If you feel drawn to someone, find out if that person is drawn to you. Allowing romantic feelings to take root before then is like trying to grow a plant on a solid stone.

I still remain my humble self @sirmartinet

Please feel free to request for the next series as this will enable me know whether to continue or not,thanks

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