Oh my, you're talkin' one of my addictions right here. Thankfully, I have been able to rein it in some. I made a pact with myself a couple years ago. One - I will only purchase books of a reference nature and two - I will not pay full retail.
So far, this has worked out splendidly. I'm building up quite the reference and how-to library. I've always been a tactile person. I feel slighted if I try to read a book online. I want to hold it, feel it, smell it. I enjoy turning the pages. I feel like I'm accomplishing something as I see the pages thicken in the front. I'm sure it's all in my head, but I don't care.
(Pic is of 1/2 a shelf out of 36)
Something most folks don't think about is what if... the power goes out and you can't access your stored data. Living off-grid, I think about these things quite often. Having a hard copy to refer to is vital when a pressing situation presents itself.
My latest acquisition is: Henley's Formulas for Home and Workshop. This thing is choked full of 800+ pages of formulas and recipes. It has proven to be an invaluable resource to have on hand.