The human tree (Freewrite Prompt: Tree )

The eyes became slowly white. The body arched back while the mouth opened.
The veins clothed the skin. The fingers dig deeper as the pain surrounded the body.
A green tongue unrolled the life robbed from the body.
The tree grew and grew, expending limbs and leafs. The body shrinks and shrinks with muffled screams and spams.
The tree is alive, the body is no more.
This is a common occurrence in these places. Nature evolved and became a parasite of the human body.
We now turn into the soil for trees.

Is the rain our tears?

Well It turn out pretty dark didn't it? I was going for the Guillermo del Toro style of tale but I don't think I manage.

I also didn't find a decent image of what I was after. Too bad!

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