Prompt: Sound Check - 5 Minute Freewrite Challenge!



Here comes the moment everyone is waiting for.

The seconds quicken as they roll up the curtains,

your feet start to tremble as your heartbeat quickens.

Everything seems to be the going as planned.

You speak to your microphone just in case.

"Sound check, sound check."

It seems fine. Now all you've got to do now is just to do your thing.

Everything is just running smoothly, you're being tense, which is normal.

All that's left is for you to shout your lungs out and sing.

You've been practicing this song for ages man, you defenitely remember this in your heart so what's he problem?

You open your mouth just a little bit, that's okay hon, just do hat you do.

You look at the audience and see your ever-so-supportive family and friends.

And that weird man who's been stalking you lately.

And- the music started playing.

Here comes the funeral song! Do it for the big guy!!


Hahahey guys! and I am here yet again with another entry for the 5 minute freewrite with the prompt: Sound Check. So this scene is actually in a funeral discourse. As they bring down the dead to bury them, this kid will sing. It's actually a weird thing to pop up in my mind but I was like, "Why not?" so I did it. XD

Credits: This freewrite was made thanks to the help of 'The Most Dangerous Writing App' here at the website version on
And the photo was thanks to 3dman_eu in Pixabay here at

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