Day 76: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: ducks - My Entry


“Mr. Kruger, come on now you know there’s nothing to worry about.” the nurse told the old man. As she pushed him along the pathway he kept flinging his arms about while screaming “ducks!”. Every time they came close to the ducks that lived around the fountain area he would just throw a fit!

Most of the other patients loved the ducks but for some reason old man Kruger couldn’t stand them.

She heard he used to be famous for some kind of work he did for the government. He was some kind of secret weapon guy or something. Anyhow, ever since he had the stroke “ducks!” seems to be the only thing he knows how to say.

As the nurse finishes her morning walk with Mr. Kruger she takes him back to his room and heads to the employee lounge for a break. On the TV is a news story about a new avian flu mutation in ducks that seems to have jumped species to humans. She shrugs and changes the channel to watch something more interesting.

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Title image is my original work

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