Day 71: 5 Minute Freewrite - Prompt: toothache - My Entry


“Is there a homeopathic remedy for a toothache?” Ellie asked me. I wondered if she really understood what a toothache was. Sure she was only four years old but surely she knew right?

“Anyhow” I said, “that's why you can't just eat candy all the time. It will make your teeth all rot out.”

“Ewww!” she squeaked and scrunched up her face in a strange expression while trying to figure out what that must feel like. “That's right” I continued (I could see I had her hook line and sinker) “and no, by the way, there's no homeopathic remedy. At least not that I ever heard of. That's more for things like when you get a rash from being outside”.

“ I understand...” she said confidently and finished off her last cookie.

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