Artist and freespech (my opinion) (432hz song inside (:) [ESP//ENG]

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Video of a child dancing on a balcony during the quarantine

When we are born we come with the capacity to express ourselves in infinite ways, these are the channels for the expression to what we can call art, each human being is a potential artist, as long as the cause of his expression comes from his mind, body and spirit, in case the speech of an artist is sold to third party interests it becomes a product and although the freedom of expression allows this last possibility, this is not edifying for the being (although it can generate tremendous amounts of paper money).

I can speak then of a freedom of expression linked to human values as a praiseworthy task. To say what is true, even if I do not want to be heard by an individual or a group of people, a very clear example of what I have just said is the censorship of content related to cryptocurrencies by centralized internet services.

Another example of censorship we can see in the outcome of the life of Galileo or Nicolas Tesla, both hidden for a time by the ignorance of some few with desires of control, wanting to cover the sun with a finger, literally.

Although through acts of corruption we can buy many people, everything that is not supported in the balance will end up falling.

So, it is the work of an artist to defeat himself every morning to be better than yesterday and help the conscience of the human family through messages that cause social impact through any of the available means of creation (Architecture, sculpture, painting, music, literature, dance and cinema.)

freedom is the natural state of the human being, of course one can feel that one is imprisoned when seeing the limits that the lack of some material resource, motor or knowledge can exert on you, however, it is on the internal level of each one where freedom must be seen manifested in the most circular of the word, which requires self-knowledge and that is something that requires effort
In my personal case, it has been to overcome my fears in order to be able to speak without limiting myself, because it is in self-censorship where the germ lives that we can get our hopes up, believing ourselves capable of devaluing the perception of another and then, replicating this lack of internal work outwards.

I want to share with you a song of my authorship called "don't be afraid of criticism" tuned in 432hz!

Don't be afraid of criticism. Oh.
Don't be afraid of criticism,
Don't be afraid of criticism,
Don't be afraid of criticism,
Well, you remind me of a guy from ancient times,
Who keeps making creations of contrariness
And years later it was history who told the truth:
Life is a moment in motion,
Dance it.
Don't be afraid of criticism oh
Don't be afraid of criticism.
Don't be afraid of criticism
Don't be afraid of criticism
I am certain of the moment that will arrive
The new tune will come

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Video de un niño bailando en un balcon durante la cuarentena

Al nacer humanos venimos con la capacidad de expresarnos de maneras infinitas, son estos canales para la expresión, a lo que podemos llamar arte; Cada ser humano es un artista en potencia, siempre y cuando la causa de su expresión venga de su mente, cuerpo y espíritu, en caso de que el discurso de un artista se vea vendido a intereses de terceros lo vuelve un producto y aunque la libertad de expresión permite esta ultima posibilidad, esta no es edificante para el ser(aunque puede generar tremendas sumas de papel moneda).

Puedo hablar entonces de una libertad de expresión vinculada a valores del ser humano como una tarea loable, en pocas palabras, "decir aquello que es verdad" aunque no quiera ser escuchado por un individuo o un grupo de personas, un ejemplo muy claro de lo que acabo de decir es la censura de contenido relacionado a las criptomonedas por parte de servicios de internet centralizados.

Otro ejemplo de censura podemos verlo en el desenlace de la vida de Galileo o de Nicolas Tesla, ambas ocultas durante un tiempo por la ignorancia de algunos, queriendo tapar el sol con un dedo, literalmente.

Aunque a través de actos de corrupción podemos comprar a muchisima gente todo aquello que no este sustentado en el equilibrio terminara por caerse.

Entonces, es el trabajo de un artista el vencerse a si mismo cada mañana para ser mejor que ayer y ayudar a la conciencia de la familia humana a través de mensajes que ocasionen impacto social a través de cualquiera de los medios disponibles de creación (Arquitectura, escultura, pintura, música, literatura, danza y cine.)

la libertad es el estado natural del ser humano, claro que puede uno sentir que esta preso al ver los limites que te puede ejercer la falta de algún recurso material, motor o de conocimientos sin embargo, es en el plano interno de cada uno donde se debe ver manifestada la libertad en lo mas circular de la palabra, lo cual requiere de auto-conocimiento y eso es algo que requiere de esfuerzo.

En mi caso personal ha sido el superar miedos, la tarea para poder hablar sin limitarme, pues es en la autocensura donde habita el germen que nos puede ilusionar creyendonos capaces de desvalorizar la percepción de otro y entonces, replicar esta falta de trabajo interno por hablar sin limites hacia afuera.

Quiero compartir con ustedes una canción de mi autoría llamada "no tengas miedo a la critica" afinada en 432hz! (:

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